“Child Beauty Pageants”—33 People Reply To “What’s Legal Now, But Won’t Be In 25 Years?”


Denying your children the right to be vaccinated.—u/boyfromtherat


Hopefully in the US, having to pay more than 25 dollars for life saving drugs like insulin.—u/AngelFox1


Glitter, f**king sh*t made from Satan himself. Do you know how hard it is to get that crap out of stuff??—u/Urmomsdreamman


Single use batteries.—u/TunesfromtheMoon


Hopefully, but honestly I doubt it: advertisements for psychiatric medication. I turned on the “don’t personalize my ads” + all the you’re not tracking me tactics, and still get it. It’s pretty sicken to see such a mass digital campaign to push medication that has very little evidence in treating something we don’t fully understand yet. That last part is partly the reason I think it’ll be banned—u/itsPXZEL


Having a f**king tiger as a pet, hopefully.—u/misslolomarie


Mega-Companies paying a zero percent tax rate. Then still getting handouts from every level of government. We’re paying for them at this point.—u/thinkdeep


Filming your child for social media without their consent. Like all those family channels that shove a camera in their kids’ face as soon as they’re born and share every detail about their kids’ lives, especially embarrassing/private moments for the sake of content—u/anonsara


Tik tok. No, not because I don’t like the community, but because that sh*t is literal spyware that is stealing a disturbing amount of information from children.—u/IvanEggs


Smoking in public. Already banned from many places.—u/VeeRook