Women Are Sharing Fetish Requests They’ve Turned Down (18 Stories)

11. A whole new take on a God Complex

“I had a guy tell me he wanted to nail me to a cross.

We were talking about what we were looking for on tinder and he told me that he was looking for a woman who shares his fetish in order to marry them. I was curious and asked about the fetish and he told me that he wants to crucify me. With actual nails through the hands and feet.

After I took him that that wasn’t my thing he tried to convince me with the argument, that all my fetishes were pretty much the same.” –LadyAugustina

12. Like, the ABCs ?

“A guy I met online wanted me to burp on command for him. Like, I can belch like a man three times my size, but it’s not something I can control. He was so demanding about it, kept pestering me to send him an audio recording.” –But_like_whytho

13. A classic

“To defecate on them. I said no.” –britbabebecky

14. Ugh, the WORST

“A white guy wanted to only sleep with me because I’m black. Not bad but still. I thought it was all in my head until something told me to actually look at his Twitter. I wasn’t wrong. Every tweet or retweet of his was about sexualizing black women, including his wife.” –Pretty_Princess90210

15. I don’t see anything wrong with this

“He wanted me to pretend like I was a zebra.”  –ptxlyssy

16. Ok, I’m kind of intrigued…

“Dated a guy in college who had a quicksand fetish. I don’t even know how that would work (also, where does quicksand even exist? I live in the Midwest USA) so I obviously turned it down.” –albino_oompa_loompa

17. Mission now accomplished

“Dated this one CEO and he wanted me to humiliate him before and during sex. I nope’d outta there. Not my jam.” –savagefleurdelis23

18. Glass half full kinda guy

“He asked, unprompted, if I’d want him to cum in a glass every day for a week, and store the glass in the fridge so I could drink it when I saw him next. I declined and I don’t think I saw him after that, turns out he was a little unhinged.” –GodlessandChildless

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