People Who Left Their Partners Over Bad Sex Share Their Stories (18 Stories)

Couples split up all the time because sharing your whole life with someone else can be tough.

Sometimes things just don’t work out, sometimes one half slips up and sometimes two people just should never have gotten together in the first place.


One very important factor that can make or break a relationship is the SEX.

oc couple so that was sex
The OC

And because sex is such an intense, vulnerable, slippery (slippery?) thing, it can make or break a partnership.

Redditor u/VILE_0RGANIZM was probably going through a weird sex-based break-up when they asked the people of Reddit:

“People who left their significant other because of the sex, what happened?”

And the answers are eye-opening.

Here are the most popular stories from people who have left (or been left by) their significant other because of the sex.

1. Selfish lover.

“He only liked oral, no reciprocation. Basically just wanted to use my mouth like a fleshlight. Like, dude, I’m happy to give but I’d like to cum, too.” –pro_bonobo

2. One position to rule them all.

“She wanted missionary only, very slowly. She would cum in 5 minutes and would sound like Darth Vader the whole time. That lasted 3 months.” –OlmecDonald

3. You’ve got to work up to rough, man.

“He wanted to have really rough sex with little to no foreplay. I left that “relationship ” pretty quick. I’m not going to waste my time with someone who won’t put in effort and uses me as an object.” –turquoisepurplepink

4. Hierarchy of needs.

“She never wanted sex, I did a lot. We clashed on it, I told her I needed more, but she refused to compromise. I left, met someone with a sex drive like mine and we have been together for 10 years. The sex is still awesome – and plentiful.” –shbd12

5. I’m turned on, just not by you.

“We both wanted sex, but not with each other, so we were both unfulfilled from too little. She would later discover she’s a lesbian. I would later discover I’m a woman and dysphoria was killing my sex drive.” –_MaddestMaddie_

6. Gone “fishing”

“He lasted like 30 seconds and went soft while the condom was still in, so I had to pull out the slimy sucker myself.” –AtLeastNineToes

7. Monogamy, you keep using that word. I’m not sure it means what you think it means.

“He had a different idea of what monogamy entailed, he thought I meant emotional monogamy, I meant full monogamy and had said as much. Imagine his shock when I didn’t take him hooking up with randos off Grindr well.” –amalgamas

8. Hands off.

“He wouldn’t touch me at all. We were in the first year of the relationship. When we hit the 6 month mark without sex I confronted him with an ultimatum “Tell me the truth or it’s over without a chance to explain yourself” and he finally admitted my weight was repulsive to him.

I haven’t gained weight during the relationship, he just lied to me the whole time. I dumped him, moved back to my dad’s, got back into school, dropped 70 pounds and I just keep getting fitter today.

Even tho this relationship left me with a bitter taste, I’m grateful for the motivation it gave me to get better life habits.” –Youre_late_for_tea

9. Not really connecting.

“I dated a girl for a few months who I wasn’t really attracted to sexually, but we got along really well and had fun together so I figured I would give it a shot, test the whole personality over looks thing. I figured that with time maybe I would grow to find her sexy, but that never happened. I found myself avoiding sex any time I could, and when I did have sex with her it felt like a chore just so she didn’t get upset with me. I finally ended it deciding it was not fair to either of us. She was a great person, but the sexual attraction was never gonna be there.” –Rumpleminzeman

10. Ewwwwwwwwwww.

“Got tired of having shit on my balls because of her not wiping properly. She went crazy stalker mode to the point that I put a stalking order on her and had to move a few times.” –Known-Sprinkles

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