Bisexual People Are Revealing What They Find Attractive In Different Genders, In Case You’ve Ever Wondered (30 Posts)

It’s normal to be curious about other people’s sexuality because at heart we are all perverts.

Bisexuality is more and more common or at least people feel comfortable talking openly about their sexuality. For the not bisexuals out there, I imagine it’s a confusing identity.

There is so much variation in gender expressions, but how could you be into two things on opposite sides of the spectrum? Thankfully, there is a very titillating r/AskReddit thread that might help paint a clearer picture.

Redditor u/dr-incognito-dorito asked, “Bisexual people of Reddit, how does your taste in men compare to your taste in women? Are you attracted to similar traits in both genders or do you look for completely different things?”

The answers are varied though there are definitely some themes. Not everyone shared their own gender, so it’s hard to make generalizations about what type is into what type.

Overall, there seems to be a lot of fans of feminine men and masculine women, which tracks. I do think people didn’t acknowledge what a binary this question insists on.

Very few people mentioned non-binary or genderqueer individuals, which is a shame, because they often have some of the most charming mixes of the masculine and feminine.

Oh well. I just hope everyone gets to have hot, consensual sex with the partners of their choosing.


its more like “IF YOU HOT YOU HOT” but i find more hot in women than i do in men, its not really specific traits i can pick out tbh
like, i find a lot of girls really pretty, but find myself seeing men with similar traits and not thinking the same —MaxAiidenKarmata


Purely sexually there’s a cross section of twinks and kinda punk rock pixie Chick that always gets me going. Romantically if they show me affection. —hatsnatcher23


I’m sexually attracted to either muscular/fit or feminine guys and girls, so the points of attraction are similar for me. But I just can’t seem to fall for a guy irl, like I find them physically attractive but I never saw them in a romantic sense unlike girls which is strange. —Marethyu_007


I’m a bit all over the place really. I like masculine men, feminine men, masculine women, feminine women, and everything in between and out of the binary.

I like the female body better because, well, boobs; but I also enjoy a good beard and the more… elongated lines men have.

I’d have to go on a case by case basis, comparing two people instead of two whole demographies to be able to give a better answer.

Idk, I just like pretty much everybody who’s not a jerk. —HiganbanaSam


I am sexually attracted to both genders but I can’t seem to get emotionally attached to a girl. I just couldn’t see myself dating a girl —anniebyers3


For Men I like the “twinky feminine” guy. For Woman I like the strong independent type that don’t take no shit. —TheLoneMetron


Androgyny in all things. If the human body was a slider with M/F being both sides I want it in the middle. —CruzaSenpai


It’s odd because I prefer men who are more feminine but women who are more masculine. —Melochex



Ass is all I look and care for. —Wegaxe


I asked my boyfriend and he said:

“I don’t know if it’s because I’m dating a guy right now, but I only have romantic attraction to men and some minor sexual attraction to women. I am not really picky with people I guess, no real preference, I just want someone who can put up with me rambling about piercings and exercise with me. Though I do have to say, I think I could only imagine myself happily getting married with a man as of now.” —AtlasTheLoserboy99