People Are Sharing The “Hard To Swallow Pills” About Relationships


“You can’t look for someone else to be your ‘other half,’ you have to learn how to be a whole person on your own. This means being able to take care of your own emotional needs, too.” — necr0phagus


“People keep changing as their life goes on, and there are no guarantees that you and your partner will change in compatible ways. Someone can be your soulmate today, but in a year the person they’ve become may not be the soulmate of the person you’ve become. While you shouldn’t simply give up on a relationship the moment you hit a rough patch, you also shouldn’t let a happy past keep you in a miserable present.” — Notmiefault


“I hate the idea that a relationship ending in a divorce or break-up means it’s a failed relationship. People have too narrow a view of what a successful relationship means.” — SugarRAM


“If someone is gonna cheat, there is no stopping them by checking their phone, messages, where they go or whatever. They’re gonna cheat regardless.” — luvgassy


“If it endangers your mental health, it’s not worth it.” — hahadude69

Featured Image: Pexels