
Men Share The Most Unattractive Things Women Can Do On The First Date (20 Posts)

There is no shortage of straight women complaining about men online. There are countless threads and posts talking about men being cheap on dates, faking entire relationships, ghosting, and just being overall creeps. But it looks like the men are ready to fire back.

In a recent Reddit thread, men are discussing the most unattractive things women have done on dates.

The conversation got going after one user asked the question: “Boys of Reddit, what’s the most unattractive thing a girl can do on the first date?” If you ignore the fact that OP said “boys” and “girls,” you’ll find a pretty interesting pool of answers. One man claimed he dated a woman who was so serious about her dental hygiene that she decided to floss…with her own hair. There were also a few men who complained about women being on their phones too much—which is just bad manners.

Here are 20 “unattractive” things women have done on the first date, according to men on the internet.

1. Completely connected

Be on her phone the whole time, but I think this goes towards both genders.


2. Gossip

Spend the night gossiping about her friends.


3. Mayo <3

Eat mayonnaise from a packet in her purse like it’s a go-gurt or a frube.


4. “Blowing snot rockets…”

One time I went on a date with a lady who was blowing snot rockets on the sidewalk as we went from the art gallery to a coffee shop to get some coffee. I offered her tissues which were in my pocket but she said she preferred her way. That wasn’t a great experience for me.


5. Not being present

Not being present in the conversation – i.e. just talking about herself and acting like she’s above you or the date


6. Having bad hygiene

If you’ve worked all day and want to have sex PLEASE listen to me when I ask If you want to take a shower otherwise it’s going to be a bad experience for both of us.


7. Self-centered

When she makes anything and everything about her as she fights to control the conversational flow.

I check out quickly.


8. Ask for money

I met a girl while on train she told me she was from my city, we talked and flirted and decided to go on a date on the weekend and just as we got off the train she asked me $500 and told me she will return it on the date night, I refuse and went my way never bothered to call her beside I’m sure everything she told me about her was fake.


9. Brag about their rosters

If they tell me how much guys want them. I had a girl tell me one time, “every guy falls in love with me”. Big turn off.


10. Be late without notice

Be late without saying anything. I left after 30 minutes and I get an angry text 15 minutes later saying she’s arrived and can’t find me.


11. Focus on the ex

Talk about her ex too much. Especially if that includes talking about how she still lives with him.


12. Be spiteful

Do things out of spite. I.e (push boundaries, lie on purpose. Yadde yadde yadda).


13. Hey, Karen!

Go full Karen on hospitality staff.


14. R-E-S-P-E-C-T

When they don’t respect you. It’s ok to be not want a second date, but don’t become so disinterested that you ruin the date. If you don’t want to continue, then be polite and respectfully ask to leave. It’s ok!


15. Not being grateful

If we go somewhere, I pick up the bill, and she doesn’t say thank you.


16. “Tell you everything she hates about you…”

All the reasons you are lucky to take her out even though she’s too good for you , and imply if you’re on your best behavior maybe she’ll let you suffer her nitpicking and criticism again another night.


17. Play games

Playing “hard to get” makes you hard to want.


18. Um…

Floss her teeth with a piece of her own hair, true story.


19. Be high-maintenance

Purposely get the most expensive thing on the menu/ or just making the date unnecessarily expensive. If this is how the first date goes, just imagine how expensive life is going to be.


20. Be a pain in the butt

Try to achieve a completely unnecessary position of dominance. (not like sometimes having a dominant position isn’t fly AF — just there are times when it is better to influence, and guy or girl, no one wants a partner with a chip on their shoulder.)

Presume things unnecessarily and unfavorably.

Basically be an unnecessary pain in the ass. I call it the tuna sandwich standard — I can be at home watching tv and eating a tuna sandwich. If hanging out with you is less attractive than that, wthecky are we even doing.
