People Share Pics Of What Dating Them Is Like Based On What’s In Their Camera Roll (25 Tweets)

This meme about what it looks like to date you is so satisfying because one of the rules is you can’t download a perfect picture to suit your narrative about yourself. You have to look at what photos you already have saved to you camera roll for goodness knows what reason and see who you really are. Is your phone full of dank memes? Or bizarre TikToks? Did you screenshot the same celebrity eating over and over? Take a picture of a trash can and then keep it in your phone like it was a valuable piece of treasure? All of this might tell you more about what dating you is like than you want to know.

The meme had already been circulating for a few days when it was sent to greater heights of popularity by Mara Wilson, former child star and current Twitter conversation starter:

She shared a pic of a broken hand sanitizer dispenser that has been properly labeled as such. Yes, that’s relatable.

Everyone wanted to join in on the fun, because it is funny to see what images you are hoarding and how you imagine dating yourself is. Some people tried to be cute, like they were angling for someone to volunteer as tribute and date them. But most people were self-deprecating, because they know dating them isn’t necessarily the best. I’d say it’s still worth doing for many if this is how funny they are in real life:










