Navigating relationships is, of course, a compromise.
From all parties.
Gonna shout that again for u/Throwawayp5345‘s boyfriend in the back: FOR ALL. PARTIES!
u/Throwawayp5345 recently took to Reddit with a simple question. She asked:
“AITA for turning around in my car when I saw that my boyfriend brought his friends with him to go on a trip with us?”
Seems like a simple no, right? Because WHY WOULD HE— ugh. I’m gonna let her tell this.
I f30 am dating my boyfriend “Smith” m39 for 8+ months. We have been planning to go on a roadtrip but it couldn’t happen because he kept insisting that we let his 2 friends tag along.
OP and her boyfriend, who is THIRTY-NINE YEARS OF OLD, were planning a road trip, but this dingbat couldn’t go without his buddies.
He brought it up again and promised that he won’t ask me to let him bring his friends with him since (1) I’m the one paying for the expenses. and (2) It’s my car. (3) I always wanted us to go alone for once without having his friends tag along. (4) I don’t wanna pay for his friends.
OP obviously was like — what? no? Because she’s paying, it’s her car, and why would she want a trip with HIS friends?
We agreed that I’d come pick him up in the morning so we could ago. I came in my car and entered his neighborhood.
So the guy agrees and OP gets the trip on the (har har) road. But when she picked him up…
However, when I saw him standing outside with his bag AND his 2 friends were also standing there with their bags, I was shocked and furious.
There he was! With these two buddies! OP just turned around and left.
I didn’t pull over I just turned around and kept driving and went back home. I saw him running after me in the rearview mirror. He then stopped and started calling me. I did not respond til I got home.
And then HE had the audacity to yell at HER. Then demand SHE apologize. I just— what!? YOU ARE THIRTY-NINE, SIR.
He lashed out on me on the phone asking why the hell I turned around and left. I told him why and how I didn’t appreciate how he basically tried to force me to take his friends with us after I said “no” already. He called me awful amd said that I ruined the entire thing for us and acted immaturely and spitefully. He said I could’ve just accepted it how it is but I told him that I would never accept being put in a situation where I’m expected to just “suck it up”. He hung up after yelling at me for few minutes.
I called back but got no response. He texted about how embarrassed him infront of his friends and is refusing to speak to me til after I apologize.
God, I hope they break up.
AITA for turning around in my car and going home? Did I make the right call?
Reddit absolutely agrees with me.
One user wrote, “NTA. Take it as a sign and move on girl.”
Another echoed my sentiments exactly: “He’s THIRTY-NINE?? And wants his GF to pay for and chauffeur his friends? And lie to get you to do it? Then accuse YOU of acting “immaturely”? That sound you hear is a giant red flag flapping in the wind. Run fast, run far, my friend. NTA.”
“Your 39-year-old boyfriend doesn’t have a car and can’t afford to pay his own way on a road trip? And expects you to foot the bill of his freeloading friends as well? I’m glad you turned around and I hope you keep on driving away from this relationship. NTA,” wrote in another user.