pee just in case

Now We’re Being Told Not to Pee “Just In Case” Before Going Out

When we’re kids, parents and other responsible adults will tell us to “pee just in case” before leaving the house, going to bed, sitting down for a meal, going for a walk, standing up, reading a book, taking a car ride, and breathing.

That’s somewhat understandable because kids don’t have a huge grip on their bodies and mommy and daddy would rather mess you up for life than deal with an accident.

And it can mess you up for life, apparently. Forcing ourselves to use the bathroom and go pee “just in case” is bad for our bodies, according to this TikTok created by @nosuchthingastmi, or Sabrina.

Is Sabrina a medical health professional? As far as I can tell, no. However, what she says here has the ring of truth.


Basically, when we make ourselves go to the bathroom when we don’t really need to, we’re training our bladder to never fill completely and to give us the signal to go when it’s only partially full.

That means you will need to pee even more, meaning all those “just in case” moments become “absolutely have to go” moments.

So if you’ve noticed you have to pee constantly, this might be the reason and you want to nip that in the bud. As you get older, it will get harder and harder to deal with.

BuzzFeed interviewed an actual doctor named Heather Jeffcoat who specializes in pelvic health and she confirmed that this is all actually true, medically speaking.

“One of the first things we learn in pelvic health physical therapy education is to educate our patients to not urinate ‘just in case,'” said the doctor. “When the neurologic connection between the bladder and the pelvic floor becomes dysfunctional, instead of the pelvic floor contracting to maintain continence, they relax and the bladder contracts in a setting where it is not appropriate to do so, and urinary leakage may result — in your car, in the hall on the way to the bathroom, etc.”

Urinary leakage! No thank you. Luckily, you can do something about it by training yourself to resist that urge to go. Over time your bladder will stop signaling you before it’s full.

It’s hard to get to know our own bodies after forcing unnatural habits on them, but definitely worth it in panty liner savings.

h/t BuzzFeed