This Flight Attendant On TikTok Answers Most Common Questions She’s Asked

Flight attendants how a job that’s incredibly common, but also quite mysterious at the same time. (Anyone who’s seen HBO Max’s series knows.)

Who else can touch foot in multiple cities, states or countries in a single day? What other industry sees more diversity, more culture and more… chaos …. than flight attendants? Many have even performed heroic feats in the face of danger.

All that to say: flight attendants have one of the most fascinating jobs on the planet. And TikTok user Ally is giving us all a behind-the-scenes peek with her account.

In a three-part series, she broke down some of the most common questions she gets as a flight attendant.

Turns out, there are a lot of perks to being a flight attendant.

Like not having to share a hotel room with any colleagues, and all hotel stays are covered by the airline.

Here’s Ally from her London hotel room:

When the flight crew travels, sometimes they hang out, sometimes they don’t. And on extra long flights, there are special areas for the staff to rest.

And, yes, all flight attendants do get free flights.

The post did so well — receiving 2.8 million views — that she uploaded a part two and part three.

In this video, she shares that flight attendants only get paid once the boarding door is closed. When the door is closed, the clock starts.

She also is asked how many flights she takes in one day. For Ally, she averages anywhere from one flight to five flights per day.

Turbulence, which is every passenger’s nightmare, isn’t too bad for Ally. She says she’s used to it and gives a tip that less turbulence is felt at the front of the plane.

Like a true traveler, Ally also always has a bag packed.

In her third video, Ally shares what “deadheading” is, that she’s allowed to have someone fly for free with her, among other interesting facts people may have never previously known.

Ally’s account also includes travel hacks, essentials for the job, fitness and recipes. She’s really got something for everyone.