PR Professional Confronts Male Vendors After Catching Them Saying “Nasty” Things About Her During Screen Share

Whitney Sharpe (@whitneyrose617) made headlines recently when she exposed locker room talk about her that a vendor revealed during a virtual meeting.

The video she posted on TikTok went viral, with over 7.5 million views as of Jan. 25.

In the video, Sharpe confronts the vendor and demands that she be allowed to work with a female sales representative.

She stresses that she doesn’t want to have to deal with inappropriate messages or “locker room talk” about her and that it’s “rough being a woman in a male-dominated field.”

The vendor apologizes and says he understands why Sharpe is upset, but claims there are no female sales representatives available who are “skilled enough” to help her.

Despite this, Sharpe received an apology email from the company’s VP of Sales.


It’s rough being a woman in a male dominated field 😬

♬ original sound – Looking Sharp

Sharpe’s video has been widely praised online, with users commending her for standing up for herself.

This incident is a reminder that sexism and objectification of women are still common in the workplace and that we need to call out inappropriate behavior whenever we encounter it.


How not to apologize in corporate America 101 #hrnightmare

♬ Flowers – Miley Cyrus

In response to the incident reported by Sharpe, the company she works for has taken the necessary action to ensure her safety and support in the workplace.

After receiving a call from the VP of Sales in an attempt to do damage control, Sharpe decided not to work with the vendor in question due to their lack of support for women in business.


The saga continues. I can’t thank you all enough for the love and support. There’s so many bad ass women out there 💖

♬ original sound – Looking Sharp

Sharpe has since expressed that her company has been nothing but supportive and has gone the extra mile to ensure her safety.

Additionally, she has advised other young sales professionals to call out injustices at the moment and to not accept any retaliation if faced.

Her stance has highlighted the need for companies to prioritize the safety and support of women in the workplace, and to take necessary steps to protect them from any form of injustice.


Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at