If You Like Jack In The Box Tacos, It’s Best You Don’t See This Viral TikTok

We’ve all done it — stopped at Jack in the Box for some late-night tacos after one too many beers. Well, it turns out that being drunk might be the best way to enjoy Jack in the Box.

Actually, strike that, it’s the ONLY way.

via @quesswhojackindabox

A recent TikTok from @quesswhojackindabox, (scroll to end for full video 🤮) an apparent employee of the fast food chain, gives us what looks like a peek behind the scenes as to how the tacos are made. And — spoiler alert — they’re wayyyy more lettuce than meat.

As in 200 parts lettuce to 1 part meat. These tacos are basically vegetarians who cheated once 10 years ago.

The video starts off with an employee dropping a tortilla in a deep fryer. So far so good, except for the fact that they’re not wearing gloves.

via @quesswhojackindabox

Then, in part 2, they add the filling. That includes a microscopic amount of meat, then a slice of cheese, followed by a gargantuan handful of lettuce. Seriously, it’s ALL lettuce. If that taco was a UFC fight, the lettuce would be the bros in Tapout shirts.

Top it off with some special sauce and we’re done.

via @quesswhojackindabox

A few thoughts. Gloves … where were they? And, damn, that prep station sure looked the opposite of clean, with stray lettuce and sauce everywhere. Probably something you wouldn’t care about at 2 a.m., but in the cold light of day it definitely didn’t look appetizing.

Of course the video went viral and prompted a ton of comments. Most had to do with the state of the kitchen. But others were not perturbed, with one responder writing: “I’ll take eight.”

But despite the defenders, it was hard for many to get over what looked like a lax attitude toward.. well, pretty much everything.

Some other commenters who said they also work at the chain said it looked pretty standard to them.

You know what, though? At the end of the day, when it’s 2 a.m., nothing quite hits the spot like a taco from Jack In The Box (even if they’re 99.9999% lettuce). Don’t fix what ain’t broke, we guess.

Full videos:

h/t: Daily Dot