Woman Wasn’t Expecting To Go On A Date With A ‘Nice Guy’ And Feel So Uncomfortable

When it comes to dating, most women desire to find a partner who is kind, thoughtful, and considerate. However, there’s a common phenomenon where some men who self-identify as “nice guys” can be far from nice. These men may act entitled, manipulative, or even abusive towards women, causing confusion and frustration for those who initially saw them as potential partners.

No one knows this better than Talisa, a Tiktoker who recently went viral for sharing a (now deleted) video on this very subject. She ended up on a first date with a guy who seemed to be “nice” but ended up being, well, a lot.

First dates can be awkward even if they’re good.

The date didn’t start great.

Me: Thank you for taking me here.

Him: You’re welcome.

Waitress: All right, I’ll get those going and then I’ll come back and grab your order.

Me: Thank you very much. Alright, so I liked what she had mentioned about the scallops. That sounded really good. I’m a big seafood fan, so I think I’m gonna do that.

Him: Let me order for you. I’ll surprise you. I know what you want.

Me: I hate surprises. You know this place better than me so…

This guy was off to a very rocky start.

Him: Yes, I do.

Me: So what are you getting?

Him: I’m getting the rib-eye with the mash potatoes.

Me: So what are you gonna order for me, then?

Him: The rib-eye with the mash potatoes.

Me: Oh, okay.

He tried to control the entire meal.

Him: You don’t want wine.

Me: You don’t like red wine? Is it not good here or something?

Him: You don’t want to add on any calories, do you?

Me: No, but I mean, we’re on a nice little date, so I think I can ignore it for now.

Him: I’ll order you a drink that will suit what you’re looking for.

Me: What the hell am I looking for?

Him: Something with less calories.

Me: Yes, that is true. Wine does have a lot of sugar.

Him: I tend to know what women like.

Me: Yeah, that’s good. It’s good. Not many guys do.

Him: I’m definitely a cut above the rest.

Waitress: Are you all set to order?

Me: Yeah, I think I’m gonna go with…

Him: She’s actually going to have what I’m gonna have.

Waitress: Either one of you’d like to add soup or salad tonight?

Me: Yeah I was gonna order the soup. Is that okay?

Him: That’s fine.

Finally, Talisa headed to the ladies’ room to vent about the awful date.

And then the bill came…and he kicked it up a notch.

Me: If you don’t mind, I’m going to take care of my bill because…

Him: I do mind. I will go ahead and take care of it…

Me: No, no, no, listen. I’ve had an experience like this in the past and I do not want a repeat so I will definitely…

Him: That’s not me. You will not embarrass me.

Me: Okay, it’s not an embarrassment. Like, I can also just cash app…

Him: No, it is very much an embarrassment.

Me: Okay, don’t worry about it. Just don’t make a scene.

As they left the restaurant, it was pouring rain. Again, her date DEMANDED to be a gentleman.

Me: I forgot you like to open the doors. Thank you. That’s really nice of you.

Me: Alright, I’m just gonna run into the car. That’s okay?

Him: No, no.

Me: Oh my god, okay. I could have gotten in there a lot faster if I just ran.

Him: NOPE! A gentleman has to get the door!

Me: That’s fine, thank you.

You can tell folks in the comments felt a certain way about this guy.

After the Tiktok went viral, Talia shared another (also now deleted) video explaining how that was just a reenactment of a bad date she had.