Woman Hails Ex-Stepmom As A Petty Icon After Getting Revenge On Her Dad Post-Divorce

Divorces are messy, stressful, and often petty. This woman made sure her pettiness would be felt by her ex-husband for years. 

We learned about this iconic woman through her ex-stepdaughter, Shannon. 

In a TikTok posted Jan. 15, Shannon chronicled how her ex-stepmother played a long con with her father.

Shannon starts out by saying she strives to be as petty as her dad’s ex-wife and explains that the pettiness all began when Shannon’s father wanted a divorce. 

The divorce didn’t sit well with his ex-wife, so she came up with some ~special plans~ post-divorce. We’re not talking “throwing a divorce party,” either. Oh no, no. Not this woman. She is so beyond that post-divorce child’s play and is carving out a divorce subculture for herself.

The plan? Find another way to stay within the family for all eternity. So she cozied up with Shannon’s mom’s brother and ended up marrying him.

OK, so if you’ve lost us, the ex-wife/ex-stepmother married Shannon’s uncle. The brother of her biological mother. 

That is… A LOT.

So anytime Shannon has literally any milestone, this woman will be there. FOR*EV*ER… or at least until her next divorce.


Naturally, Shannon captioned the TikTok with “and no, family functions aren’t awkward either lmao.”

Yeah, we bet.

Like Shannon, the rest of TikTok found the ex-stepmother iconic. The video received 2.4 million views and 236.8K likes. 

Unfortunately, we don’t have any additional information on the queen but are hoping Shannon gives us some more juicy tidbits soon.