Baby Elephant Adorably Insists On Playing With Reporter On TV

TV reporters have a tough job. Their profession sometimes takes them to places where it’s hard to work. And lots of times, they end up on blooper reels.

That was the case recently for KBC journalist Alvin Kaunda who had some unexpected help while he was shooting a report about orphaned elephants at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya (scroll to the end for the full video).

Sheldrick Trust via Instagram

As Kaunda was talking, a baby elephant approached from behind and got a little exploratory with its trunk.

Kaunda tried to keep going but finally, he broke out laughing as the elephant draped its trunk over his face.

Sheldrick Trust via Instagram

The wildlife organization posted a clip on Instagram, writing: “Everyone wants to be the star! Kindani was so inspired by Alvin’s performance that she decided to steal her own moment in the spotlight.”

Commenters praised Kaunda’s professionalism under difficult circumstances.

Sheldrick Trust via Instagram

Here’s the full video. Warning: it’s adorable.

h/t: Laughing Squid