Guy Photoshops Ben Shapiro And Joe Rogan An Inch Shorter With Every 50 Likes And Hilarity Ensues

I have been blissfully unaware of who the hell Joe Rogan and/or Ben Shapiro are for my entire adult life and then WHAM.


I got hit in the face with a viral Twitter thread.

So first, because I assume at least some of you have been hidden away under the same rock, let’s go over who these two wastes of air are.

Joe Rogan is apparently a UFC commentator, comedian, podcast host, and TV presenter. Thanks, Wikipedia.

So yeah — he’s a former comedian who apparently now sits around and comments not just on UFC, oh no, but on politics because WHY. I DON’T KNOW. I have zero idea what this guy’s qualifications for anything are, but because we live in America in the year 2021, that’s apparently more than enough to dictate people’s food, exercise, and political leanings.

Maybe Ben Shapiro will be be—

Wikipedia informs me that this guy is a conservative political commentator, some kind of host, and a debtor. Oh boy, he was editor of Breitbart “News”.

…at least he got a JD from Harvard?

But he’s still a radical conservative — and despite the academic pedigree and the tidy appearance, he plays hard to his base’s …uh, base emotions.

Alright, great, so we have this primer of roughly who these two are (I’m still a little confused about Joe Rogan, but let’s move on).

This morning, Twitter user @kaichoyce set a challenge for himself… for us all. He said simply, “for every 50 likes i will photoshop them 1 inch shorter to scale” and posted a photo of a murderous evil elf fired from Santa’s workshop Ben Shapiro and complete waste of human air Joe Rogan.


And we’re off, you guys, because… it’s happening. They’re shrinking.


Why did @kaichoyce do this? I do not know. Is it funny? I also do not know. I may not be who this joke is for, if it is.


Here’s where it gets pretty silly.


Still going.


And now they’re just a speck on the screen, which I guess is really what they SHOULD be.


Ahhh. I get it now. Yes. Seems right.


Obviously, Twitter ate this up, retweeting and liking all the photos as they went. As for me? I truly wish I still had no idea who this pair was.