On Sunday night, Twitter user @kyry5 interrupted our 2019 Grammy Awards feed to pose a very important question.
“What’s a strange food habit you didn’t realize was bizarre until way later than you should have,” he asked, before offering his own: “My dad raised me to butter my Pop-Tarts and I had no idea that was ASININE (“extremely foolish or stupid”) until someone saw me do it in college.
What's a strange food habit you didn't realize was bizarre until way later than you should have?
My dad raised me to butter my Pop-Tarts and I had no idea that was ASININE until someone saw me do it in college
— A Literal Homosexual (@kyry5) February 11, 2019
Of course, buttering a Pop-Tart is far from asinine—especially a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tart, which is the flavor OP preferred. But as much as I’m inclined to say “to each his own,” particularly when it comes to food tastes, it’s difficult with this list because nearly everyone on it—NOT ALL, BUT MOST—are just plain wrong. WRONG.
(Granted, I eat mashed potatoes with soy sauce, so who am I to talk?)
My sister and her friend would just mix a big bowl of sugar and butter while chanting “sugar butter sugar butter” until they ate it all and lost their minds
— …j…e…d… (@supermoonie) February 11, 2019
My mom’s side of the family dips grilled cheese in syrup
— the 1975 stan account (@nelise63) February 11, 2019
Dry ramen noodles. Sometimes I would take a pack, separate the two chunks and put Vienna sausages between, like a sandwich.
Not a terrible favor, if you can get past the incredible bulk and crunch !!! pic.twitter.com/uVEaL3Xj4F
— Mik (@mikinfinity) February 11, 2019
My dad raised me on a dish called bologna dunkers which is just eating a package of bologna and dipping it into a bowl of ketchup. My wife was not amused.
— Octopus/Caveman (@OctopusCaveman) February 11, 2019
Not completely weird but I love dipping my fries in milkshakes – think Wendy’s fries in the chocolate frosty or McDonalds fries in their vanilla ice cream
— JD Crooks (@CrooksJD) February 11, 2019
I add rum to marmalade jars which my bf thinks is messed up
— Fuzzy (@honkhonkbeep) February 11, 2019
Lawry’s seasoned salt on avocados
— Bre 🏳️🌈💖💜💙 (@anoticingsenpa1) February 11, 2019
I eat frozen blueberry Eggo waffles on a pretty regular basis and some people think this makes me a “monster”
— Roxi Horror 💀🌸 (@roxiqt) February 11, 2019
I used to eat the whole edamame, shell and all. Until I was at a nice restaurant with some people and they wondered where my discarded shells were and asked if I’d been throwing them on the floor….. me:[mouth full of shells] “uhhhhhhh”
— Greg Biggerstaff (@Biggiestaff) February 11, 2019
My mom taught me to eat my fishsticks with peanut butter on them
— KJ Inskeep (@KJcombusts) February 11, 2019
When brownies come out of the oven while they’re still hot, we’d put like three of them in a cup of milk until you could spoon out… lukewarm brownie and milk soup I guess
— Danny (@dundlewood) February 11, 2019
2) my whole mom’s side of the family puts butter on saltines to eat as a side with chicken noodle soup— Shannon (@shannycath) February 11, 2019
it took me until i was like 7 years old to realize muffins had wrappers and not just a crunchy exterior
— frank (@meme_messiah_) February 11, 2019
I use to melt cheese on a plate, let it congeal then peel in off and eat it. Ok, I still do it sometimes
— I’m Nora (@DoctorNora) February 11, 2019
Oh also my dad (RIP) and I would eat tomato soup with so many saltines in it it became like a bowl of tomato soup/saltine mush.
— Killer Queen 🔪 (@88shenanigans) February 11, 2019
One time I ordered a glass of milk and a margarita at a bar, at the same time…everybody there thought it was weird and gross
— 🎀fuckyoujohn🎀👾💄👩🏼✈️ (@fuckyoujohn3) February 11, 2019
I like to mix cottage cheese and apple sauce. People are disgusted, but the shit is delicious!
— Devin Farley (@farley_devin) February 11, 2019
I used to take slices of bread and smash them together until they combine to make a “bread ball.” Sometimes if I wanted some flavor I would stick a slice of cheese in it before mashing it all up.
— Joseph Christian (@jochbanez) February 11, 2019
i was asked to bring a salad to a grad school potluck and I brought my Nebraskan cool whip-marshmallow-pudding mix-mandarin orange “salad”
— Shelita Buffet (@pittwildcat) February 11, 2019
My sister and I put cheese on a plate and microwave it till it’s a little crispy. Didn’t know it was weird till I was in high school.
— Kira Rideout (@frecklycheeks) February 11, 2019
My dad raised me to butter my brownies.
— Crystal 💙 ☘️ ☕️ 🌊 🏒 (@TansyMcBride) February 11, 2019
I stuff mashed potatoes + corn in buttered biscuits. I put sour cream on a lot of stuff, including but not limited to pizza, fries and chips (usually Doritos or spicy cheez-itz), chicken tenders, and hashbrowns. Also occasionally eat ketchup on crackers.
— our love supreme (@raspberrypup) February 11, 2019
my dad never took the stems of of strawberries before eating them and for years i thought this was how you were supposed to eat them
— Fight Me Baby Hitler (@GermaphobeSean) February 11, 2019
I eat frozen fish sticks, like still frozen, unthawed and unheated
— Dylan’t (@pugsnotdrugs473) February 11, 2019
my mother always put potato chips in our PB&J’s, but for a while I didn’t like peanut butter so I would just have soggy jelly sandwiches held up by the chips. also dipped my chips in chocolate pudding like a true model of ~health~
— amandaconda (@thatskerrazy) February 11, 2019
i drank vanilla extract
— gracey marinara sauce (@starkiddjh) February 11, 2019
Grape Nuts cereal with apple juice. It’s fantastic, I don’t care who thinks it’s weird
— Brosephine Wires (@JoParkerBear) February 11, 2019
my dad taught me to lick individual tortilla chips to make them sticky and then dump extra salt on them
we did this at restaurants. in public
— ❄chilly adventures of katrina❄ (@goslingtrain) February 11, 2019
Cream cheese and pickles sandwiches
— gina (@ginastar87) February 11, 2019
I was raised on French Toast with melted melted Kraft Singles on every slice
— ghost mom (@radtoria) February 11, 2019
31. And finally, this most heinous of food sins:
I put the milk in the bowl before the cereal, which is the more logical way to do it because you can keep adding cereal and they stay crunchy. My wife hates it. I think I’m right. Don’t @ me.
— Émilie von Garan (@LilivonGaran) February 11, 2019