Twitter Is Dragging JK Rowling With Hilarious ‘Woke’ Harry Potter Tweets

It seems that of all the would-be wizards and witches in the world still having a difficult time letting go of the Harry Potter universe, J.K. Rowling reigns supreme—and Twitter is calling her on it.

Rowling is infamous for adding details about the series years after publication. Though the last installment in the series, ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ was released in 2008, and the movie version in 2011, the author has revealed a long list of random, often-intricate details about the Potterverse that were never mentioned in either the books or the films.


In 2007, Rowling said that she “always thought Dumbledore was gay.” Retroactive additions also include the fact that Fred Weasely was born before his twin George Weasley, that Lupin’s son Teddy became the Head Boy of Hufflepuff, and that Hagrid was unable to produce a Patronus. Other revelations have resulted in critics accusing Rowling of applying an after-the-fact woke patina on the series in an effort to make them appear more diverse—claiming that Hogwarts had Jewish students, for instance—as well as the fact that in old-timey Hogwarts, all students and faculty just sh*t and pissed themselves where they stood, then magicked it away. 

So a new Twitter meme has been born, and it essentially involves people roasting Rowling’s retroactive additions to the HP canon by adding details of their own. Many of which featured Dobby.

Though truly, no character was safe.

So, J.K., fess up: Did Dobby shoot xxxtentacion???