Leonard DiCaprio meme, Leonardo DiCaprio memes, Leonard DiCaprio pointing, Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme, Leonardo DiCaprio pointing memes

The Leonardo DiCaprio Pointing Meme Is The Internet’s New Favorite Way To… Point Things Out (24 Memes)

This Leonardo DiCaprio meme is a great way to celebrate pointing out the obvious.

As actors go Leonardo DiCaprio is an A-lister among A-listers and after appearing in countless films his face is well-known to almost everyone with an optic nerve. With that sort of output it’s no surprise that his image has generated more than a few memes, the most recent of which is simply an image of the actor…pointing at stuff.

The frame is taken from a scene in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and people are using it to illustrate their enthusiasm for pointing out both things that please them and things that are very obvious or redundant.

Here are some of the best Leonardo DiCaprio pointing memes we had time to find.









Leonard DiCaprio meme, Leonardo DiCaprio memes, Leonard DiCaprio pointing, Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme, Leonardo DiCaprio pointing memes





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