Last week, photographer Paul Clarke posed a VERY interesting question to Twitter: “What’s the most ordinary thing you’ve never done (and are possibly becoming secretly proud of)?”
His dad has “never used a cashpoint,” whereas Paul himself has “never eaten a Subway.” (You aren’t missing much dude!)
And everyone else who replied missed out on some of life’s MOST CHARMING DELIGHTS. I mean…it’s mind-boggling the things some of these folks have adamantly avoided, and even more disturbing is that they feel a sense of pride over it.
For many of them, it was specific food or drink.
Others have managed to avoid some of the western world’s most popular television shows and films.
Some people have managed to somehow evade rites-of-passage activities, like reading shampoo bottles on the toilet or playing in snow.
(Well played, Walmart.)
And SOME people have entire LISTS of foods and activities they’ve forever sidestepped!
h/t Twitter