21 Unfortunately Relatable Posts About Work And Wages

Is this a not-so-subtle bid for me to get an inflation related raise?

Okay, no, but every single one of these posts had me thumping my hand on the table yelling — YUP! AGREE!

Because why are we working so hard for so little? Why are we spending so much of our time on this planet generating money for other people? It’s been centuries of whining about how work is dumb, and it is, so why can we not come up with something better?

I don’t know. And I’m not sure anyone in this list has better ideas, but at least I agree with them.

1. $15/hr is $120 per 8 hr day.


2. Democracy is a lie, especially in the modern workplace


3. Saw this on my memories from years ago. Even more applicable today.


4. Leaving this here


5. American Dream


6. American dream


7. A generation


8. Good for him!


9. Sorry, was busy cleaning the bathroom.


10. Not wrong

11. Wanna play monopoly?

12. How dare you want more in life than bread and water

13. But the government told us!

14. Get stickbugged

15. Leave this here

16. My point

17. Sex is great

18. Oop

19. By the bootstraps

20. Seems right