Unless you’ve been under a rock, you should know that Russia violently and illegally invaded Ukraine in February.
They have proceeded to kill civilians, disobey ceasefires, and force the Ukrainian president to plea with the West for assistance.
Art has often been the refuge of civil disobedience — and this war has seen some images created that are haunting and evoke the resilience of the Ukrainian people.
5. The Mayor Of Vilnius Helped Create A Piece Of Art On The Same Street Opposite To The Russian Embassy, Which Says “Putin The Hague Is Waiting For You”
6. Vitaliy Skakun, 26, young combat engineer. He sacrificed his life to blow up a bridge. He died on 24th of February in Putin’s war on Ukraine. He died defending his country. Polina was killed on Saturday, together with her parents on the streets of Kyiv. She was just a 4th grader.