Woman Posts Her Doctor’s Pic Without His Consent To Sexualize Him, Gets Destroyed By The Entire Internet

Recently we posted about the ways that sexism can be so subtle and pervasive that we don’t even realize it’s there. We definitely still have different ways of talking about and treating men and women and that becomes clear when you take a situation and substitute one gender for another.

A perfect example of this is when a Twitter user named @purplegoddess tweeted a picture of her “fine as s***” dermatologist, without getting his consent.

She ended up deleting the tweet, but not before it went completely viral.

Twitter: @purplegoddess

When @purplegoddess first posted the tweet, a lot of women commented on how good-looking the doctor is.

Not everybody thought this behavior was cute, though. People pointed out that @purplegoddess was objectifying the man and that this could be seen as a form of sexual harassment.

But @purplegoddess stood by her tweet, even posting another tweet with the doctor’s name and other details—and that one she actually hasn’t deleted as of the time of this writing.

Twitter: @purplegoddess

(We blurred out the details for the sake of the man’s privacy.)

For a lot of people, making the man’s contact info available on the internet was absolutely one step too far.

But @purplegoddess had achieved her goal—her hot doctor had gone viral.

Speaking to Bored Panda, Dr. Imran Aslam said,

My first reaction was just pure anxiety. I am a very low key individual so when I first heard that I was trending on Twitter I was kind of freaking out, like “oh my god what is happening.” I started getting texts from friends all over the country, some of whom I hadn’t spoken to in years, telling me that I’m the top post on Twitter.

But once the initial panic passed, Dr. Aslam said he found it pretty funny.

Once the anxiety settled though, and I realized that most people were receiving my picture favorably, I started to find the whole situation pretty funny. The comments on Twitter were hilarious, people were posting all sort of ridiculous things and the picture just kept getting liked. I think it got over 20,000 likes or something. It was crazy.

He also spoke a bit about the societal double standard.

Regarding the discussion of sexual harassment and double standards: I thought that the Reddit discussion was quite interesting and that many individuals made excellent points. By definition, many of the comments on my picture would be considered a form of sexual harassment, and I can totally understand how people consider this to be a double standard in light of the #metoo movement. And that if those same comments were made about a woman there would an uproar.

And he mentioned that he was aware of his own “male privilege.”

From my perspective, I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the fact that I never felt that I was a “victim”. As I reflect more on this sentiment I realize the reason for this is undoubtedly because of my “male privilege.” I have had the privilege of never once feeling threatened or intimated by a womanin a sexual manner, I have had the privilege of never being catcalled, and I have had the privilege of never experiencing what it’s like to be followed home by a stranger that was a woman.

It is because of these liberties that we enjoy as males that I think the sexual harassment discussion may have to be interpreted differently in my situation.

People’s opinions on Twitter varied wildly.

So what do you think? A funny compliment or sexual harassment? Let us know in the comments!

h/t: Bored Panda

Dean Altman

Dean Altman is a writer living in NYC.