Beautiful Moments During Protests That The Mainstream Media Is Reluctant To Share — A Thread

Things are pretty heated in America right now. After three months of uncertainty, quarantine, and death due to the coronavirus pandemic, the nation has now entered a striking period of social unrest. In the wake of the brutal killing of George Floyd by police in Minnesota there have been massive protests nationwide and things have sometimes turned violent.

But thanks to the old media adage “if it bleeds, it leads” we tend to only see violent or heated moments and not the majority of peaceful interactions that occur when people rise up to demand better treatment from the nation they live in.

Thankfully a Twitter user named Kylee took it upon themselves to catalog some of the beautiful moments being captured right now at protests all around the country. 

There are a lot of inspiring interactions going on between people who are trying to do what’s right that you won’t see on the news. 











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