And You Thought Your Neighbors Were Bad — Coronavirus Edition (25 Nextdoor Posts)

Good neighbors are a blessing and bad neighbors are a curse. If you share close proximity with someone you’d better hope they’re not a walking nightmare. But, no matter what, one thing all neighbors like to do is gossip about each other and each other’s behavior.

That’s the primary reason sites like NextDoor exist: To let you talk shit about thy neighbor, and thy neighbor’s wife while you’re at it. 

Luckily for us lurkers a comedy account called “Best of Nextdoor” exists, both on Twitter and on Instagram, to document these neighborly spats and debacles. And if you thought the advent of a global pandemic caused by coronavirus/COVID-19 would calm people’s nerves and make them more community-minded… HOO BOY have we got news for you.

Here’s a breakdown of the best coronavirus posts, rants, gripes, and freak-outs on NextDoor…so far.











Ruin My Week

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