Tweets Women Give Honest Reasons They Don’t Want Kids, In Response To Declining Birth Rates (30 Tweets) by Kate Hackett May 7, 2021 11. climate change and other disasters they helped create. It's no wonder the birth rate is declining. Myself and many others do no want to bring progeny into this world to suffer. Serious reforms must be made before we consider. — R Dubs (@REarleWhite) May 6, 2021 12. I feel like anyone bemoaning the declining birth rate in the US doesn't understand that between student loans, childcare, and a mortgage (if you're lucky), many families are paying basically three mortgages every single month. — Sara Lang Gifford (@SaraLang) May 5, 2021 13. the US supposedly has the lowest birth rate in decades rn but my instagram feed does not concur w that statement — kim possible☀️ (@kimprobablynot) May 4, 2021 14. The only stories I'm interested in about the declining birth rate are the ones that say if there's a gap between how many kids women want vs how many they have, and consider for which kinds of women that gap is biggest and why — Dara Kaye (@DaraKaye) May 6, 2021 15. "wHy is ThE BiRth rAtE sO LoW?" — Wagatwe Wanjuki 🇰🇪 🇧🇸 (@wagatwe) May 5, 2021 16. Also if you create a society where only the well off can afford to reproduce then you guarantee a lower birth rate. Fun fact, rich people don't tend to have large families. But even if they do? The 1% cannot reproduce at a rate that replaces the kids everyone else isn't having. — Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) May 5, 2021 17. the venn diagram of people who rant about "the birthrate is too low!" and people who rant about "the poors have too many children they can't afford!" is a big ol' angry circle — Janel Comeau (@VeryBadLlama) May 5, 2021 18. this is how y'all sound talking about the declining birth rate. straight out of the Handmaid's Tale — Andrei's $100k loan (@thecolemansaur) May 7, 2021 19. “the US birth rate is seeing its biggest decline in half a century” damn, i kinda….don’t care — em (@eac1022) May 6, 2021 20. Regarding the declining birth rate: Children are very expensive, and that is a 100% valid reason to delay or forego them. Children are also very annoying and loud and not cool to take on vacation or out to dinner, and that too is a 100% valid reason to delay or forego them. — Liz Lenivy (@soshimshi) May 5, 2021 Page 2 of 3Previous page 123Next page Kate Hackett