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“MugShawtys” Posts Hot Mugshots Of Women Who, Just FYI, Are Innocent Until Proven Guilty (26 Pics)

Hot mugshots: they’re not just for men anymore! Women are getting in on the hot mugshot action too.

Some people might recall the story of Jeremy Meeks, aka the “Hot Convict,” from a few years back. Meeks became famous after his highly photogenic mugshot complete with perfect a Blue Steel gaze went viral. Now that dubious torch is being carried by a Twitter account called “MugShawtys” that faithfully catalogs hot female criminals and which has become popular enough that women actually want their hot mugshot posted there.

But it’s not just vanity. According to the Daily Dot many women send the account’s owner, Josh Jeffery, their mugshots in the hopes that the exposure will help them with crowdfunding campaigns so that they can pay their bail. Jeffery says he receives 15-20 submissions a day.

The juxtaposition of the photo and the crime they’re accused of is what makes these listings truly special.

I mean take a look at these hardened, high cheek-boned criminals. Then wipe the drool off your chin and reflect on our broken and discriminatory bail system.









