Among Other Things, Keanu Reeves Is A Master Of Respecting Women Who Pose For Photos With Him

It seems like every couple years (or whenever there’s one of his movies coming out) the legend of Keanu Reeves begins to circulate once again. 

And rightly so. By all accounts, Keanu is a truly wonderful person. There are plenty of stories about him going out of his way to be kind to fans and even strangers.

Recently, one fan noticed a common thread when looking at pictures of him with female fans. It appears Keanu is not only a master of jujitsu and firearms but also the sacred and respectful art of the hover hand

Female fans: respected.

Hot gun range ladies: respected.

Dolly: respected.

So once again, here we are. Marveling at the awesomeness of Keanu.

And it is usually best to err on the side of caution.

The only appropriate time to fondle. 


Keanu Reeves is perhaps the greatest gentleman since:

Keep doing you, Keanu. I hope one day to have a wholesome encounter with you and give you full permission to be either my big or little spoon, but until then keep avoiding those sexual allegations.