@edgykristina on Twitter popped on to joke that she was still single. But what began as a quip became a series of very sweet tweets about how everyone found love.
Like all early 90s teens, we met at the mall. We were 16. I worked at the mug cart, him Spencer Gifts. Been together 30 years, both professors now. pic.twitter.com/Y3alcVHgz2
Dairy Queen! I worked there, and his band practiced across the street and would come over for ice cream after practice. We took wedding photos there years later. pic.twitter.com/JJ21JMFCoF
This is so off brand for these days but… I was out dancing with friends. He wouldn't stop staring at me. There was something about him I couldn't ignore either so, I walked up and I kissed him. On the 7th of July this year, we celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary.
First grade, she was in fourth, on playground heard “hey you catch me.” Looked up and she jumped off a piece of playground equipment we called a cheese tower and landed on me.