trump band

Band Whose Cringey Trump Song Went Viral Gets Meme’d (20 Tweets)

In the apprent interest of spreading COVID-19 far and wide President Trump is going ahead with a rally in Tulsa, OK this weekend against the advice of everyone worth listening to. And his base is hyped!

Trump supporters are so hyped about his Tulsa rally that a troupe of glassy-eyed MAGA fans showed up days ahead of time to sing their Dear Leader to reelection with a song that appears to be called “Vote Trump! (Four More Years)”

Though the band’s identity wasn’t immediately clear it appears to a band called First Love. Easily confused with the “Deplorable Choir,” another troupe of towheaded asshats, First Love first made their name with a song about Rick Santorum back in 2012.

Twitter thought they needed a better band name and asked for suggestions.

And boy did people have suggestions.











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