Wholesome 30+ Times Women Turned The Tables On Blatant Sexism by Hannah Riley April 1, 2022 26. What has been going on, men? Via: Twitter 27. Sorry we lied though! Via: Reddit 28. See how dumb it sounds? Via: Twitter 29. That’s sexist. Via: Reddit 30. Thank you, sharks. Via: Reddit 31. Read female authors! Via: Twitter 32. He made some great points. Via: Twitter 33. Exactly. Via: Reddit 34. Thanks for clearing that up. Via: Twitter 35. Your personal tour guide. Via: Twitter 36. 37. 38. Fine with me! Via: Twitter 39. Remember Those Who Fought Via: Reddit 40. (This was before leap years were invented) Via: Reddit 41. 42. Hmm, seems like we might not be polling the most relevant segment. Made with TweetPik 43. Something isn’t adding up. Via: Twitter 44. Legendary mansplain. Made with TweetPik 45. Get it? Cause men are “better at math than women.” Made with TweetPik 46. Your clock is ticking! Via: Twitter 47. Then they go off to war. Via: Reddit 48. Thank you for your input. Via: Twitter 49. It’s not the same thing. Via: Reddit 50. Page 2 of 2Previous page 12Next post Hannah Riley Hannah Riley a comedy writer and content editor with ADHD living in Seattle, Washington.