
20 Workers Share Their Best And Funniest “F-You” To The Bosses They Hated

Have you ever suffered through a boss so bad they pushed you well beyond your breaking point? Oh, friend, you are not alone. So much so, that we have a whole list of responses to a post over on Reddit of the best tales of people having enough of their bosses’ B.S.

u/Wholikesfruits recently asked Reddit, “What was your final “f— you” to a boss you didn’t like?” and the answers had me howling. Let’s check them out.

1. Celebrate

My co-worker bought cake and ice cream for the office. Someone asked what we were celebrating.. and he said his last day.


2. Rejected vacation

I was thinking about quitting but has holding back. I scheduled a vacation with 3 extra days. It was a once in a lifetime type of trip. He rejected my vacation request. I thought about it for a couple of hours. Went to his office and told him ‘I’m taking the trip no matter what.’ The next morning the boss met me at hr and gave me a formal written warning. I responded by giving him my 2 week notice. They apologized and tried to convince me not to leave but it was too late.


3. What a terrible person

On my last day at the bowling alley, I sent an email to head office detailing all the shit he’d been up to but everyone was too afraid to report (inc. trying to fire someone when he found out she was pregnant – a big no no in my country).

I heard later that the next day regional manager and a couple of executives turned up for a surprise inspection. He’s found in the office, having backed a 16 year old female colleague in the corner, screaming at the top of his lungs, with his big red vein-throbbing face touching hers. She was distraught and obviously crying her eyes out.

Manager was escorted off premises there and then and never heard from again.


4. No money

I worked at a dry cleaner for a summer. Front desk, cash under table type of job. I worked 50 hours one week and he told me he’d pay me time and a half for the OT. I go into work on payday and my cash envelope is not in the drawer. I called him and asked about it and he told me he couldn’t pay me for my work yet. I kindly informed him that I was taking the money I was owed, and locking up the shop, and left.


5. “Yeah”

My boss and I had butted heads a few times after she took over the office. After finding a much better job I handed her a list of my job responsibilities, which she asked for because she didn’t understand what I did there.

“This is too much, we’d have to distribute all this to like 4 different people” and I said “yea” and walked out. Spoiler: she didn’t do any of that and was fired less than a year later as the office was falling apart.


6. No notice

I gave him a two-hour notice when I quit. He had a habit of firing people on the spot when they gave advance notice.


7. The best day to quit

Working retail I quit at the register on Black Friday. I had recently gotten another full-time job and was keeping this retail gig because I liked the employee discount and due to my other job this check was pure fun money, all that is to say I didn’t need the retail job.

My store manager comes over at hour 7 of my shift, with chaos and a line 100 people long, and has the nerve to tell me my up-sales(fishing for promo signups, i.e. rewards, credit cards etc) weren’t cutting it for how much traffic I was seeing. In front of the customers! I already couldn’t stand this B so I said, “You know what you do it, I’m done” and then I apologized to my coworkers on the way out.


8. New jobs

I worked hard over the course of a year to get all my former coworkers I cared about new jobs.


9. You.

My exit interview when I was asked the reason for leaving, I simply said their name and nothing more


10. HOO BOY.

Sent them to the feds for Medicare fraud and they got fined 41.7 mil.



11. Will not sign

Mechanic at a commuter airline. Boss wanted me to sign off a plane pre-flight inspection. I refused to sign because the plane was not airworthy. He told me if I wished to continue working, then id better sign. My response: then I guess I don’t work here anymore. I picked up my tool box and left.


12. Time for PacMan!

lost him a big deal with another company by walking away at a critical moment. in fact, I walked right to the arcade across the street


13. Boss’ Boss

My boss’s boss hated me. He drove out my previous boss that was one of the best managers I ever worked for. He demoted me, and then when the company laid-off EVERYONE else who knew my product, I insisted he restore me to my previous status or I’d quit. He did, and he wasn’t happy about it.

Eventually he demoted me again and I found another job. During my exit interview with HR, I spoke at length about how he’d fucked up the department and fired many excellent people who were now working for the competition.

A few months later he was escorted to the door and told never to return. Apparently the company took a good, long look at him and found he’d been holding his meetings with his subordinate managers in a local bar and would sometimes never return to the office. I don’t know whether my discussions with HR had anything to do with their review of his performance, but I’d like to think so.


14. You OWN what now?

The manager told me the company I worked for owned me and that I’d do what they said or face consequences. This was in a meeting with other employees present. I walked out of the store with the manager screaming at me to get back to work.


15. IHOP

This was my senior year of high school. I worked at IHOP and my direct supervisor was leaving, so the gm was going to take over my schedule. Well he didn’t like me or my two friends who worked there as well. So when he posted the new schedule and drastically cut our hours all 3 of us walked out and quit he still had to fill like 4 or 5 weekday shifts and cover all of our weekend hours because all of us worked both sat and sun morning rush.


16. Late pay

Salary was delayed by 2 weeks and was about told to be lenient because the company is growing and needs our help and cooperation. I waited for another week but I was ignored. I left the job without notice and upon them calling me to sue me, I replied “You have money to sue people but no money to pay employees.” I switched job and I am at a better place right now.


17. No benefits

Worked in China in a language training center. Left the country without informing anyone at work. Once I was out of China, I posted all the info I had about the benefits foreign workers were supposed to have but never had (tax reimbursement, pension savings, etc.) and how HR & Finance appropriated them in regional and local WeChat groups both in English and Chinese. Also posted addresses of local government offices where foreign workers could inquire about the aforementioned benefits or complain about lack thereof.


18. New job

I interviewed for a new job and was offered it. I wrote my 2 week notice that same day and handed it over the next morning (I worked 11 pm – 7 am). The complete waste of oxygen that was the GM at the time tried to compete with the new job, and I laughed in his face. Told him that in order for me to even consider staying, he would have to give me a $9/hr raise, pto, and health insurance. He made a hateful comment, and I took my notice and changed the final date to the current date and told him to have fun working 7 nights a week.

The new job was a ‘lateral move’ (same exact job, same hours, just a better company) and is still my current job, I’ve had 12 raises, just celebrated 10 years there with management having food delivered for me every night for a week.


19. No schedule

Applied for a full time job at a daycare. Interview was on Friday and the director said she would text me over the weekend to tell me my hours for next week. Yay! I got the job!

Monday rolls around and no text or email from her so I am sitting in my pjs at home thinking I’m out of work. At 10am a random number calls me and she asks me to come in for 11. I let it slide thinking she lost track of time or whatever.

By the end of the day I asked for my schedule and she said she’ll contact me tomorrow morning at 9am. The next day is the same thing, except this time she calls at 11am asking to come in for 11:15!!!!! I waited TWO hours for her call. Now I have no car and live 15 minutes away. On top of this the shifts were only 4ish hours long, so the job isn’t even full time. I tell her I need a schedule by the end of the day. Didn’t get one.

The next day she calls at a random time but too late, I’m busy at an interview with a different job! I tell her I’ll stop in to get my cheque by the end of the week because she can’t respect my time and lied on the ad about being full time. Also I am not getting paid to be on call.


20. Ten minutes

I walked into his office before my shift started, told him “I quit.” He says “You’re giving your two weeks notice?”, I said, looking at my watch, “I’m giving my ten minutes notice.”
