Woman Insulted In Front Of Her Coworkers After Handing In Her Two-Weeks Notice

Quitting a job can be tough if you like the people you work with, but sometimes leaving comes with the biggest sigh of relief.

Traditionally, the most professional way to leave a job is by handing in a two-week notice to give the employer time to prepare for your departure.

Unfortunately for TikToker Sophia, the moment she handed in her notice showed her her boss’s true colors.

Sophia handed in her 2 weeks’ notice after working at the company for 2 years.

TikTok | @sophiazp5

However, her bosses weren’t happy about her decision and asked her to make it a 6 weeks’ notice

I was just publicly insulted in front of my whole team by my upper management. I have never heard of anything happening like this in the corporate world ever, ever.

TikTok | @sophiazp5

Last Friday, October 21st, I put in my two-week notice with a very heartfelt, genuine email to the CEO and the COO of my firm. It’s a small firm, so I know them.

They’re both my management, but also my professional mentors who I’ve gone to for mentorship. I explain why I’m leaving, which is not even something you owe in a two-week notice.

I’m just simply trying to show that I really appreciate and respect the company and them, therefore wanna say something nice. And on a good note, I intentionally waited till after I had trained a bunch of new people and busy season was over before I left. Should have just left earlier.

Through it all, Sophia did her best to stay professional

TikTok | @sophiazp5

But the CEO and COO started openly insulting her

But anyways, on Friday they call me, don’t give me a counter offer, talk down to me in a very condescending tone, and are basically just mad that I only gave a two-week notice.

They tell me, “You need to stay till the end of November” so a six-week notice. That’s what they thought I needed. They were not taking no for an answer. I firmly said, “I’m not committing to anything today. I will think about it over the weekend.”

Man Having a Phone Call In-front of a Laptop
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

The COO called me that evening to further insult me. I’m distraught because I looked up to both of these men and this is how they’re treating me. I thought they cared about me professionally. I thought they cared about me personally. Apparently not.

They eventually organized a staff meeting without giving her a heads up

So this morning, Monday, I send an email just stating to reaffirm that my last day will be next Friday, November 4th, so I’m sticking to the two-week notice. I do not hear anything from them all day. I send that probably like 8:30 this morning.

TikTok | @sophiazp5

I get a meeting invite – 3:00 PM. My entire team is on it. My team is 25 people. I was not given a heads up about what this call was about, but I was nervous because why are they scheduling a random meeting in the middle of the day?

And made up stories about her

macbook air displaying woman in white shirt
Photo by Compare Fibre on Unsplash

Well, the call was about me, who is the CEO and the COO creating a narrative about why I’m leaving, which includes:

– I wasn’t a right fit.
– I couldn’t take the pressure.
– Proceeded to name people on the call that they know could replace me.

TikTok | @sophiazp5

– Said that they’re happy that at this company they can resolve things within five days. So I have five more days. Again, they’ve not consulted me about any of this. And mind you, last Friday, they said I needed to stay for six weeks.

– Continue to belittle me and my experience and what I’ve done for the past two years that I’ve been with this firm in front of the whole team, never once asking me to speak, never once commending me or thanking me for my work.

– Revealing private things I had said to them in confidence when I needed management, and I was struggling to further prove the point that I just couldn’t take the pressure of the role.

– And again, never let me speak, never said thank you.

Needless to say, viewers were shocked by the way she was treated and showed their support in the comments


h/t: BoredPanda

Nate Armbruster

Nate Armbruster is a stand-up comedian and writer based in Chicago who is likely writing a joke as you read this. Find him online at natecomedy.com.