People Are Using The Toilet Backwards To Snack While They, Uh, Do Their Business

Multi-tasking has a bad rap and this newest movement isn’t going to help it: people are pooping backward so they can take care of other business — like snacking or watching Netflix — while they … Uh. Take Care of Business.

Sure, we might grab our phone and scroll mindlessly for a little bit while we sit there, but others have started using the toilet cistern as a table.

texastraveler123 / TikTok

And just, no, guys. No.

TikToker @amyywoahh shared the very weird move with her followers on TikTok, swearing it would change their lives.

TikTok / AmyyWoahh

The video has over 3.4 million views and shows her setting up her toilet with a laptop for video watching, a bag of chips, and a drink.

She sits backwards on the seat and enjoys her snack as she tells people, “You have been pooping wrong. What I want you to do is poop backwards. Get your favourite snacks, get your favourite show and that’s how you poop. It’s the best of all times. You just sit there jamming and pooping.”

Reactions have been mixed, from the obvious don’t eat where you, uh… poo, to noting that the bathroom might not be the cleanest place in the house.

Others, however, have joined in and shared TikTok videos of their “tables”.

Karla, @texastraveler123 on both TikTok and Instagram, shared clips of her actually preparing cereal on the toilet.

texastraveler123 / TikTok

A doctor actually commented on Amy’s video, noting that the position could cause hemorrhoids if someone sat there for a bit of time.

He wrote, “Your show should end in five minutes, otherwise you could get haemorrhoids.”

Another commenter warned Amy about E.Coli, joking that, “E. Coli has entered the chat.”

So maybe just … stick to the couch, guys.