If You’ve Ever Wondered If A Cashier Is Judging Your Purchase, We Got You (20 Stories)


I was a cashier during highschool and a brief stint in my mid twenties. Didn’t judge. You want the Left Behind series? Great. You want “James Patterson’s” newest book? Fine. You want 50 Shades of Grey? Grand.

Just don’t be rude, and listen to the spiel cashiers are required to give on whatever product the company wants them to push. Just say “No thank you”. Don’t go on about how “I already donate to a charity” or saying “no” before they even open their mouths.



Cashiered at a grocery store in college.

Sometimes, but probably not how you’re thinking. It was more like the person who came through with 10 boxes of white cake mix, 15 bags of powdered sugar, 4 dozen eggs, and 3 gallons of milk and I generally would judge that they had a wedding cake to bake.

Or someone buying 5 packs of hotdogs, 4 packs of buns, ketchup, mustard, pickle relish, 4 lbs of potato salad, 3 big bags of chips, and 5 2Ls of soda, I’d be extra sure to check they didn’t have a bag or two or charcoal in the bottom of the cart.

The firefighters confused me for the longest time. They would always come through in 2s or 3s wearing their matching t-shirts with the fire station logo and get like a single serving bag of chips and a 20 bottle of something to drink. And they’d do it nearly every shift, but I never saw them get groceries or even enough to share. I finally asked one time when I was there as a customer and happened to line up behind them. The answer was, “Well, it’s hard to fight a fire alone.” It hadn’t occurred to me, they never looked at all disheveled or smelled smoky or anything.

Edit: If you were my 5th customer in half an hour with two cases of soda I’d generally realize we’d started one of those sales again, and prepare myself to scan a lot of them.



Generally we barely notice and we don’t care.

The only thing that would make me judge what you were buying was if it were somehow related to your shitty behaviour or personality. For example, people who buy cigarettes and lottery can sometimes be very rude about it, saying things like “give me a package of x brand” or “give me two plays on tonight’s draw.” Idk why but ask any cashier who sells these items regularly and they’ll confirm it’s a thing.

So would I notice someone buying nothing but cigarettes and lotto, no. Would I notice it is they’re being an asshole… yup.

If you’re asking do we make fun of people who buy like 20 packs of condom and lube and nothing else, or 50 enemas on flyer deal (I have sold these exact quantities of these exact items before) the answer is no. Do I remember it, obviously. But it’s not something I’d make a point of being a jerk about to the customer or to my coworker later. It’s like whatever.



I work at mcdonald’s. i don’t judge unless you’re just an asshole. nearly got fired bc i accidentally stepped on some random dudes shoes and he decided that me saying sorry wasn’t enough and that he wanted me to get down on my knees and brush his shoes off since i’d “scuffed” them. I told the prick that it wasn’t gonna happen and he insisted on making a scene and pushing me so i grabbed him by his shirt collar and dragged him outside. when i let go he tried to swing at me so i closed the door and locked it. so yea unless your a prick i don’t judge.



I worked at a hardware store for about a year while I was in college. Now, you’re thinking, “Pfft, a hardware store, what’s to judge?” Oh, I shall tell you.

When tweaker-looking individuals come in and buy a bunch of various chemicals, while clearly holding a CVS bad filled with various cold remedies… You know they’re cooking meth.

When teenagers come in, buy up a bunch of moth balls or naptha powder, various cast iron pipe parts, drill bits, and candle wick… You know they’re making pipe bombs

When some frumpy looking generally-disheveled woman comes in and asks for “whatever chemical eats paint the fastest…” you know her ex boyfriend is in for a bad night

When some old woman and her husband come in, the husband refuses to talk, and the old woman says “I need something to remove a really bad ingrown toenail” you know who has the problem. 5 minutes later when they meander on up with Dremel bits, you know he’s spending the night in the ER.

When some shady looking individual buys bolt cutters with cash, refuses to touch the receipt, and then leaves quickly, you know your entire snowblower and lawnmower section is about to get stolen from the front of the store… (and yes, it happened!)

When you ask someone if they need help, they tell you they are fixing their brake lines, and you explain to them that compression fittings are not a safe way to repair brake lines, and they tell you off… you know they’re going to get in an accident later and you don’t want to be around them

When someone goes to return a sump pump, claims it didn’t work, but it’s covered in water and sediment… you know they are a lying sack of crap, along with the other 499 lying sacks of crap that returned their sump pumps conveniently a day after the flooding subsided.



Worked at a hardware superstore return desk. Most plumbing returns were disgusting. Whether they were used or just sitting in the contractors truck.

My favorite returns were lightbulbs. It was always a guy returning it, always with the excuse “my wife doesn’t like it”. Every other hour there was the same kind of return. So note to all married men shopping for light bulbs – make sure you get the “warm” light not the “cool” ones



When I was a cashier at Jcpenneys the only time I would judge is if you brought a giant pile clothes. Then as I am ringing you notice that your going over your so at the end you end up grabbing and clothes and saying take this off. This would make me so mad as its tough to find one clothing item out of 20 on the transaction.

I don’t mind if you need to remove one or two items but when its nearly half of the items but its one at time its annoying.



I’ve worked in customer service my whole life and it amazes me how often the people around town that everyone likes, are popular, wealthy, etc. are the biggest arrogant jack asses whereas I’ve had drug addicts on the verge of homelessness bring me gifts at Christmas time, handicap people short on change who will go back out to their car and bring it back in (even though it takes them 10 minutes), kind words from very scary looking folks. You learn a lot when dealing with the public, things aren’t always what they seem that’s for sure.



Most of the time I don’t notice. The only one I found at all noteworthy was when a lady bought almost the entire Percy Pig range including a couple of bottles of the new drink and a pack of the biscuits and a cuddly toy Percy. But I didn’t judge that, I just found it vaguely interesting.



As a picker at Amazon, yes. Y’all freaky.


You can read the entire post here.

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