20 People Share How Covid Lockdown Changed Their Sex Lives

When lockdown first started, there was a sort of excitement from people excited to stay home from work and teenagers excited to feel like they were skipping school.

the office yay gif erin

Attached to this feeling, was an expectation that there would be a baby boom coming in nine months. That was proven wrong and instead led to an unexpected baby bust.

Spending more time together in quarantine has changed a lot of couples’ sex lives and caused many couples to reevaluate if they are with the right person.

The Whisper App allows users to submit anonymous “whispers,” or confessions about different topics. 

This collection of Whispers are from users who noticed significant changes in their sex lives since the start of the COVID lockdown. 

1. Too close can be a bad thing. 

Via: Whisper

2. That’s probably not a good sign. 

Via: Whisper

3. I hope this keeps working out.

Via: Whisper

4. Depression is a real mood killer. 

Via: Whisper

5. It’s time to have some hard conversations. 

Via: Whisper

6. Not a bad idea to one up that ‘bubble.’

Via: Whisper

7. Some people know how to have fun.

Via: Whisper

8. It’s good they still are working!!

Via: Whisper

9. A lot of new realizations. 

Via: Whisper

10. More free time to experiment! 

Via: Whisper

11. All this time to think.

Via: Whisper

12. It’s nice to appreciate your significant other for things. 

Via: Whisper

13. It’s been good for some people! 

Via: Whisper

*to do at home

14. About to illegally cross some borders.

Via: Whisper

15. Here’s another win! 

Via: Whisper

16. Some things didn’t change at all. 

Via: Whisper

17. There’s a nice plus side! 

Via: Whisper

18. Good luck to the wife.

Via: Whisper

19. Pretty hard when you can’t leave the house.

Via: Whisper

20. At least one part is working out!

Via: Whisper

More in Confessions:

Hannah Riley

Hannah Riley a comedy writer and content editor with ADHD living in Seattle, Washington.