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People Are Sharing The Most Obvious Lies They’ve Been Told (20 Stories)

Some people are very skilled at telling lies. Others? Not so much.

The funny thing is that so many of these terrible liars think that they are pulling the wool over someone’s eyes with expertise.

On Reddit, people are sharing the most obvious lie they have ever been told—and some of these so bold and absurd you have to laugh.

Unicorns living in Hollywood? Yes, please. 


“My first watch was an omega and I saved up on high school to get it. One of my good friends back then asked to wear it for 1 period and would give it back at lunch. He begged and begged so as a hs kid I gave in or couldn’t keep saying no I guess, weak on me, obviously. Well, he smashed it (apparently smashed the glass to test it), gave it back, and said it was a fake and that’s why the glass cracked and said he didn’t do it and it just fell apart. A**hole became a medical doctor and is now involved in politics and holds state office. I’m still pissed about the watch he never admitted he broke cuz he was salty and jealous. Dickhead then, dickhead now.” — sunset117


“When a co-worker told my own story back to me as his own. Twice.” — lurkity_mclurkington


“I speak French, though I’m losing it from lack of use. But one of my college guy friends started dating a girl ‘from France.’ He was all excited because she could talk to me in her native language and I could help translate. So he brought her to a party at my sorority house and introduced us. I greeted her in French with a very simple, ‘bonjour, bienvenue, comment ça va’ which is just hi, welcome, how are you. Blank stare and red face in response. She then said, in what I thought was a kind of strange accent, that she’s sorry, she didn’t understand me. I looked at the guy and said, ‘I thought you told me she was French?’ Because maybe she was a different nationality and he was confused. He looked at her and she just turned and left. He followed then returned a bit later and said he had caught up to her and she started screaming at him in perfect Midwestern accented English that he was a jerk for setting her up to look like a fool.” — LaLionneEcossaise


“When I was a kid, the internet wasn’t a thing so, my friends were whoever happened to live in the neighborhood. One kid was a well known liar and exaggerator. We were maybe 14 years old at this time. This kid could play guitar and was always talking himself up about it and talking about ‘his band.’ He actually could play, but ‘his band’ did not exist. One day, I called him at his house, from my house. I don’t remember what it was about, but a few minutes into the conversation, told me, ‘by the way, I’m in Florida with my band,’ just out of the blue. This was before even pagers were a common thing. I called him. At his house. I just said something like , ‘uh huh. Ok,’ and ended the conversation. I then proceeded to tell all the other kids in the neighborhood.” — Knight_Owls


“When I was a public defender my dips**t client called up his victim from the jail phone the night before his trial. He said kill repeatedly in an attempt to intimidate her. When I was telling him how stupid this was his excuse was that he was watching Kill Bill and someone changed the channel on the cell block communal TV. That dumb*ss is now doing 28 years in prison.” — Monkey-Tamer


“My friend told me that getting a Peloton changed her life. I looked up her workout stats & she had used it 4 times in 5 months of owning it. Her husband fared a little better with using it 9 times. Don’t know why this annoyed me so much.” — natasha_c


“My little girl told everyone in the supermarket that our cat died and she was sad. We don’t own a cat.” — VixenRoss


“In 5th grade, a friend of ours used to try to convince us he used to hangout with the band Sublime. Among other stuff, he said the he was the person featured on the cover of their self-titled album and he used to do drugs with them and even tried heroin once. We were f**king 11 years old and he claimed this all happened two years before he even moved to our school. So yeah, a f**king nine year old did all this wild s**t. We constantly called bulls**t but he would just continue to lie and make up more stuff. We stopped hanging out with him because he was so full of s**t.” — PrometheusAborted


“My mom after 11-year-old me accidentally destroyed her favourite vase by throwing my brother’s stuffed animals around the living room: I’m not mad.” — lickyoursisterstoes


“When my friend was an infant, her mother put her 2-year-old sibling in her crib while the mom left the room briefly. When mom came back, my friend was crying and had teeth marks on her forehead. When mom asked the older sibling what happened, she calmly said, ‘She bit herself.'” — fritzj

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.