
TikTok Waitress Exposes How Celebrities She’s Served Have Treated Her

People cannot get enough of the TikTok trend of exposing celebrity behaviors. There are a lot of service workers out there with a lot of time on their hands right now, and they all want TikTok followers.

Former Los Angeles waitress Annie Bond has been using her account to air her grievances and share a lot of praise for the famous people she waited on in the past.

“And just to be clear—I’m rating the experience I had with them, not their value as a human being,” she says.

That’s good, because a couple of people got really low ratings! One encounter with a person getting a soup and sandwich isn’t an exhaustive character study, but it’s still interesting to see how people act with service people. It says a lot about them (cough cough Anna Kendrick cough).

Here are her stories.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes 11/10


“They casually strolled up one night when it wasn’t busy. They had their kids. They were so casual, so gorgeous, so polite! I would like to be in their marriage.”

Lady Gaga 5 million/10


“Queen of my heart, queen of the world honestly. She remembered everybody’s names. She always looked flawless. She’s extremely nice and a goddess.”

Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow 1/10


“I wanted to like them but they were SO RUDE and maybe just having a bad day.”

Anna Faris 20/10


“She’s the kindest most wonderful person alive. I wish she was my best friend. She’s so nice so unbelievably nice.”

Keanu Reeves Red Pill/10


“He came in for a lunch with a bunch of industry stiffs. Orders a dozen oysters to himself like it’s a casual thing to do. He was so polite, so humble. He paid for the whole bill, tipped super well. 100% would die for Keanu Reeves.”

Drew Barrymore 1000/10


“Next we have the ‘gorgeous’ Drew Barrymore. She came in for like a week straight. She was pregnant, always in a hurry but always super nice about it.! Usually ordered the same thing. Was just like a ray of sunshine and bubbles for my day. I adore her.”

Drake 6/10


“He has soooo many security guards. Which is fine, you know. Protect yourself! He drank Rose on ice, he ate a kale salad. he was fine.”

Emilia Claire All the dragons/10


“Our Khaleesi, Mother of Dragons, Emilia Clarke came in on a very quiet afternoon to meet some businessman. She was running behind. She had just flown in on a dragon (cannot confirm this but the energy said yes). She was flawless. Incredible. So kind. I love her.”

Lin Manuel Miranda 1000/10


“Lin Manuel Miranda did not mind when my mouth fell open when he walked in the door one day. And I don’t think I said any words to him. But he was amazing and super nice to everybody.”

Ryan Murphy 6/10


“Ryan Murphy actually came in a lot. And I know what you’re thinking—she’s probably to spill some TEA. But y’all he is so polite, he tips SO WELL. He is EXTREMELY intimidating as a human being though… I was usually a lil stressed when he came in. Even though he was really nice!”