sad movie deaths, sad movie death scenes, movie death scenes

“What Movie Death Scene Is Seared Into Your Memory?“—40 Replies

Whether you love movies or not, you’re bound to have a sad movie death scene you can’t forget, one that is so devastating or graphic or emotional that it pops into your brain, sometimes completely out of nowhere.

This was proven by u/McNastte, who took to AskReddit with the question: “What movie death scene is seared into your memory?” and was met with thousands of responses and nearly 60K upvotes. 

sad movie deaths, sad movie death scenes, movie death scenes      

Spoiler alert for…lots of sad movie deaths below.


That poor guy who gets his heart ripped out by Thugees and sent into lava in Temple of Doom always got me as a kid. Still pretty memorable.—u/LemursRideBigWheels


The man and woman in Titanic that lay in bed together as the water starts rising in the room.—u/fae95


Probably this guy in Black Hawk Down, so he was in this convoy truck and it got blown up by an RPG. Then one of the soldiers picked up his hand then saw the guy dying with half his body blown off. His last words? “Tell my girls I’ll be ok.” I saw that scene when I was a kid and it never left my head.—u/Average_Asian_Joe


The scene in Bone Tomahawk where they rip the guy in half—u/Bbbbryods

sad movie deaths, sad movie death scenes, movie death scenes


When the shark kills Quint in Jaws.—u/Soul_Glo8560


Final Destination 2, Log Truck scene. I’m still afraid to drive behind a log truck or truck carrying pipes or construction bars—u/riyuk6239


Robocop Buddy gets covered with toxic waste and then gets hit by a car and explodes like a water balloon.—u/yelofoley


The six fingered man in The Princess Bride. “I want my father back you son of a bitch.”—u/BellatrixLenormal


Hereditary, the car crash.—u/aintnufincleverhere

sad movie deaths, sad movie death scenes, movie death scenes


In Silence of the Lambs when Hannibal gets a hold of the guard in his cage-cell and starts biting his face. Nine year old me was not ready for that, and I was less ready to hear my mom start laughing hysterically at the scene, I guess she just found it absurd.—u/gigglemetinkles