“What Movie Death Scene Is Seared Into Your Memory?“—40 Replies


Littlefoot’s mom dying.—u/Kenns02


Saving Private Ryan is one of my all-time favorite movies, but I can’t watch the scene where Melish gets stabbed.—u/Thirty_Helens_Agree


2 scenes come to mind: Oberyn’s death in GOT, and the one in Pan’s Laberynth where the bad guy bashes the poor kid’s nose in with a bottle (edit: in front of his father!). Truly awful. Edit: There’s something really disturbing about ending someone’s life by literally shattering their face, something apart from the obvious gore aspect of it. It’s like destroying someone’s whole identity, in a way not even a loved one could recognize them. I don’t know the words to describe that fear those fictional instances made me feel.—u/yaminme


In Titanic, the man plummeting from the sinking ship into the icy waters only to have his fall interrupted by still, metal propellers—u/homojayspliffson


Gotta be the scene in Inglorious Basterds where Bridget von Hammersmark is strangled to death. That was intense.—u/xMCioffi1986x


Oh god when the elders jumped off that cliff in Midsommar—u/hershey_lover2


Sad movie death? Will Smith smothering the dog as it ‘turns’ in I Am Legend.—u/bangersnmash13


Boromir in Fellowship of the Ring—u/PieOfMine


It might not have showed their death, but the fact that they show Carl and Ellie’s story in UP (even if its pretty quick) makes Ellie’s death much more impactful.—u/AnAlienFromMars


the death of Mufasa. And if that doesn’t get me the “Dad, wake up!” surely does.—u/MISTER_XDP

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