Humans are capable of some pretty terrible stuff, and while the following entitled jerks aren’t the worst of the worst of humanity, they’re not great. Really really not great.
17. Got up extra early just to make a special traditional breakfast for the parents. Instead of having a good time i got yelled at for using the expensive teabags, at which point they both got up and left.
20. When I was in grade 7, my history teacher was a dick. I had to colour in a map of Canada and dot where the capitals of each province were. Green is where I placed the capital, pink is where she made “corrections.” My final mark was 6/10
35. This JERK let his dog shit in the hallway of a hotel I manage. Didn’t clean it up; didn’t tell anyone; and then argued when I charged him a cleanup fee. Am I wrong? My housekeeping staff should not have to clean up dog shit.
37. Mr. Wedgie here let his pooch take a leak, watched it happen, and then try’d to play like he didn’t just witness the spillage. I politely asked him, “Are you going to clean that up?”. I received a blank (masked) stare and than the cold shoulder. Freakin’ Jerk.
Jason is a Webby winning, Short-Award losing humor writer and businessman. He lives in Texas with his amazing wife and four sometimes amazing kids. All opinions are mine and very dumb.