People Are Sharing Their “WTF, How Do You Not Know This?” Moments (15 Stories)

I remember the first time someone told me I needed to change the lint trap in the dryer. It was my husband, and for the first time, we had a dryer in our apartment.

To be fair, I had been frequenting laundromats for years. Armed with the information that a full lint trap is a fire hazard, I became very militant about checking to make sure it stayed clean.

We all need a little help to figure out our world—as this post on Reddit makes abundantly clear.

Redditor Falafelmeister92 asked, “What was your ‘Wtf, how do people NOT know this?’ moment?”

Some of us get stuff pretty quickly, and others are either pretty stubborn in their ignorance or just need a good educator and some patience. But yes, do check your lint trap often.


“I was watching a sunset at the beach with a friend when she asked me why the ocean doesn’t extinguish the sun when the sun goes under the water. She was young, but an adult. Had a short conversation about the sun, the earth, and the rotation of the earth.” — dosta1322


“You need to clean out the lint trap in a dryer. I frequently come across people in their 30s that can’t figure out why their clothes take so long to dry…” — edging_but_with_poop


“My aunt once argued with me that H2O was was not two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen, but a word on its own—maybe spelled Aitchtwooh? I was never clear on that. ‘It’s just another word for water it doesn’t stand for anything.’ I was 13. I still get mad remembering it.” — maiafinch


“An insane amount of people don’t know and absolutely refuse to believe that the Sun is a star.” — sarabichat


“Some third graders I knew thought you could become President by killing the former one. They thought John Wilkes Booth became President by shooting Lincoln.” — NeonMoth229


“That women can’t hold their period blood. I’ve seen so many people who were so surprised when they learned that you can’t hold the blood that comes out of you like piss.” — Yes_Usecorectspeling


“Mid-twenty year old friend didn’t know you have to change the bag in a vacuum every once in a while.” — Cautious_Tangerine


“Went to a middle school where the teachers did the ‘group well-performing students with students still having some struggles’ approach and I had to sit next to a total asshole for half a year (not because he was having trouble with grades, there’s no shame there, he was just also an asshole) but the thing that really hit me was that he just refused to accept the concept of time zones. Thought I was making them up. I even showed him a time zone map that came with our damn calculator and he was like a Westworld bot just unable to receive the information of this magical world in which he’s lived all along.” — Dangercakes13


“Two girls in front of me in line at a subway on my college campus (these were in fact college students mind you), one pointed at the veggie patties they have behind the glass counter and asked her friend what they were. This girl then said in a super southern accent, ‘Those are that vegan chicken right?’ and the other said ‘Yeah, turkey.’ The first girl agreed and moved on. I’m still confused to this day.” — im_sanely


“My coworkers think that birth control is still effective 5 years after you stop taking it/remove it, so I need to take mine out now unless I want to be an ‘old’ mom. I just turned 20.” — BagOfWetToast

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.