Travel Fails To Remind You Staying Home Isn’t Always So Bad (27 Pics)

11. “This is me experiencing the Grand Canyon.”


12. “This photo my dad took of me at Machu Picchu”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

13. “My trip to Mount Rushmore last year.”


14. “Went To Visit Casa Batlló In Barcelona.”


15. “The time I flew 13 hours to see the Great Wall”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

16. “Went on vacation and paid extra for a room with a view of the mountains. No one mentioned that the snow plow ran right outside our window.”


17. “I got to see the “SCENIC” Grand Canyon in all its fog glory. 🙃👍 At least I have an excuse to come back.”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

18. “Flew to the National Gallery in London to see Van Gogh’s Sunflowers only to learn it’s been loaned to another exhibition.”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

19. “Hiked 4 Days to see Machu Picchu”


20. “Rented a car and took a 2 hour drive outside of Berlin to see Die Rakotzbrücke just to discover the water was drained and the whole area is under construction.”


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