Travel Fails To Remind You Staying Home Isn’t Always So Bad (27 Pics)

21. “I was in New York for the first time in my life. My wife and I spent almost 10 hours on a plane, crossed the Atlantic Ocean and flew 7,500 kilometers. We climbed the top of the rock to enjoy a view of central park. We had only one day in New York and this view will always be with us.”


22. “Hard-to-obtain permits for a 10mi hike to see Havasupai Falls…”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

23. “I finally got to see the Golden Gate Bridge today.”


24. “My friend is on vacation in Hawaii, and she asked this man to take a picture of her. He told her, “I got a close up.” Bless this man.”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

25. “Wife and I visited the Eiffel Tower for our honeymoon.”


26. “120 mile solo hike. Asked an elderly passerby to take a photo for me. I checked it right away but he struggled enough with the touch screen that I didn’t ask him to take another.”


27. “I woke up at 3am and hiked up Machu Picchu to be there at sunrise…”

travel fails, travel disasters, travel fail pics, travel fails pics, vacation fails, vacation photo fails

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