Every corner of the world has its own unique traditions and customs, including the U.S. Though it might seem like most of the things we do are pretty normal, other countries often find American practices to be extremely odd.
Our eating habits, for example, are quite atypical compared to our friends across the pond. These are just a few foods that, apparently, only Americans enjoy.
1. Tomato soup.
2. PB & J.
So I tried peanut butter and jelly today for the first time and it's disgusting, how do Americans eat this 😷😷
— xo (@lovxtoagb) January 18, 2017
3. Poptarts.
4. Pineapple Pizza.
Wait wait wait wait.. do Americans really eat pizza with pineapples? Is this a thing?
— Maty♡ (@cookieballer) November 29, 2015
5. Wings.
Why do Americans eat and praise the worst parts of animals, like chicken wings and ribs?? THEY’RE THE BONIEST, MOST MEATLESS PARTS!! #Confused #whyamerica
— Aleisha Cisneros (@98_aleisha) January 21, 2019
6. Butter popcorn.
How do Americans eat butter popcorn with melted butter on top 😷
— Lou 🍓 (@lucylawsonx) December 24, 2018
7. Garlic bread.
8. Roasted sweet potatoes.
Thanksgiving meals look so weird lol why do Americans eat a roast with sweet potatoes and marshmallows?? And Mac and cheese?
— ti (@tianaabdullahxo) November 22, 2018
9. Meatloaf.
Meatloaf looks so disgusting how do americans eat it
— fran (@calzonaddict) June 23, 2016
10. Applesauce.
11. Corn dogs.
do americans actually eat corn dogs that shit looks gross af
— jack™️ (@jackthestaple) March 25, 2018
12. More buttered popcorn.
13. Mac and cheese.
14. American melted cheese.
15. Chicken and waffles.
Why do Americans eat waffles with fried chicken, odd flex
— lily (@lilyjid) November 10, 2018
16. Any kind of casserole.
I don't know what a casserole is exactly but do americans eat this daily
— sab (@shipgoesboom) October 23, 2018
17. American’s love peanut butter on everything.
18. Cereal for breakfast.
19. Eggs and bread.
20. Cheese and crackers.
21. Chips with sandwiches.
why do americans eat chips with sandwiches i have never understood that
— $ab™️ (@sadrinaomg) March 16, 2018
22. Ranch.
what is ranch and why do americans eat it with everything
— Chloe 🪲 (@gothgobIin) January 16, 2017
23. Comfort foods.
24. Cold pizza.
25. The #1 American delicacy: pizza with ranch.
h/t BuzzFeed