17 Pictures That Kinda Prove Teachers Should Be Paid $1,000,000 Per Year

Every month I shell out what’s basically a second mortgage for not one, not two, but three children in daycare, and, frankly, it feels like a ripoff.

But then I think about how someone else is internalizing all the bs of not one, not two, but three of my kids all day and suddenly it doesn’t seem so bad.

And actually, with the average hourly rate for daycare providers and elementary school teachers coming in at $10.73 nationwide, I feel like I’m ripping them off.

Not to mention, you know, exposing them to any myriad of germs and diseases so I can go about my work while they take care of business. 

Here are some pictures I think teachers should take to their administrations and use as collateral for a raise.

A raise to one million dollars.

1. “Umm, dealing with literal shit in a backpack? Gonna need more than $11/hour.”

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2. “Definitely not getting paid enough to write home about this…”

3. “Or this…”

4. “Or this…”

5. “Ok this is kind of cute, but also I’m not getting paid to be a sexual harassment counselor.”

6. “Sorry but my rate for explaining bordeline perverted drawings to parents is $719/hour”

7. “Live pets? Did I sign up to be Steve Fucking Irwin up in here?”

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8. “I’m not the FCC, censor your own kids or pay me more.”

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9. “Psychologists usually charge $100/hour, so if you want me to treat narcissism, I need a raise.”

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10. “…Or if you want me to treat whatever mental health issue this is.”

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11. “The ‘think about it chair’ is just another word for therapy, which I’m not getting paid to provide.”

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12. “Oh hell no, I don’t get out of bed and handle dead lizards for less than $5k.”

funny teacher notes, funny notes from teacher, funny notes, teacher notes, cringeworthy pictures, funny pictures

13. “Um, brie is expensive. Don’t shove your wealth in my face.”

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14. “Interpreters make over $100/hour. So raise or figure this out on your own.”

funny teacher notes, funny notes from teacher, funny notes, teacher notes, cringeworthy pictures, funny pictures

15. “Ok, let’s face it, your kid is kind of an asshole most times, which is why you leave him with teachers during the day, so pay up.”

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16. “I’m not getting paid to be poison control”

funny teacher notes, funny notes from teacher, funny notes, teacher notes, cringeworthy pictures, funny pictures

17. “Ok, fine, kind of cute, but still gonna need that $1m.”

funny teacher notes, funny notes from teacher, funny notes, teacher notes, cringeworthy pictures, funny pictures

h/t Buzzfeeed, pleated-jeans

Jason Mustian

Jason is a Webby winning, Short-Award losing humor writer and businessman. He lives in Texas with his amazing wife and four sometimes amazing kids. All opinions are mine and very dumb.