couple pranks ideas of please honk and wave written on back of car

Proof That It’s Not Really Love Until You Start Pranking Each Other

If you want to know what true love looks like, you’ve come to the right place.

It’s not about flowers.

Or jewelry.

Or mushy love poems about how you’d be so empty without them.

It’s about pranking the hell out of the person you spend most of your time with.

So, if you want to learn to proper way to tell the person you love that you truly love them, take notes of each of the following pranks couples played on each other.

Try one of them yourself or get some inspiration for your own.

funniest couple prank of husband stepping on scale behind wife

funny picture of toast in the shower for a toasty shower

funniest couple prank of golden claw instead of golden retriever

funniest couple prank of googly eyes on items in the fridge

funniest couple prank of hahaha written in box of fudge rounds

couple pranks ideas of plane tie instead of a plain tie

funny picture of notes a husband left for his wife as a scavnger hunt that says I farted on your pillow

couple pranks ideas of printed photo of sink in the sink on top of dirty dishes

couple pranks ideas of sex after 40 book that's empty

couple pranks ideas of shampoo bottle scraped off to say poo

funny picture of husband put spaghetti on the stove as a prank

funny picture of worf cutout from star trek in the shower prank

couple pranks ideas of please honk and wave written on back of car

funny picture of husband texting wife about coyote with photoshop

(h/t Pleated Jeans & The Chive)

But remember, too much pranking could lead to brutal breakups like these.


Max Miller

Max is the co-creator of RuinMyWeek, and while he doesn't spend as much time on the site as he used to, that's because he's busy hosting @bobscredits — A Bob’s Burgers Podcast.