23 Times Coworkers Actually Made Office Life Tolerable

It’s hard enough surviving the 9 to 5 grind, five days a week.

It’s especially difficult if your coworkers absolutely suck, like Kendra in accounting. (Ugh, she’s the worst.)

Luckily for these employees, there’s at least one or two office clowns to keep things entertaining.

Keep up the good work.

1. An ER Nurse And Her Coworkers Decided Gummy Bears Needed To Be Renamed


2. This Employee Who Brought In The Required Sick Note

my friends work requires a doctors note if you call in sick from funny

3. This Employee Who Made Every Frame For Sale Include A Photo Of Jeff Goldblum


4. This Coworker In Charge Of The Office Mural

We have a wallpaper forest on one of the walls at work. I wonder how long till the boss notices my upgrade. from funny

5. This Worrying Sign

My coworker cut her hand open making avocado toast and had to get stitches. Today, I had this ready in her office when she came into work. from pics

6. This World-Travelling Stapler From Floor 4

What an adventure! from funny

7. This Office Legend

Office Legend!

8. Shane, Who Works At The Deli

Notes from Management

9. These Chosen Employees

"My coworker and I just realised something" from funny

10. These Coworkers Who Found A Solution For Picking A Place To Eat Lunch

My coworkers and I can never decide where to eat for lunch, so we made a system to help us choose. I give you: The Hungry Games. from pics

11. This Considerate Coworker

I’m a nice colleague. from pics

12. This IT Worker Gone On Vacation

Our IT guy went on vacation and left us this note… from funny

13. This Guy Whose Coworker Told Him His Tire Was Slashed

Ran to my car because my coworker said some slashed my tires…. from funny

14. This Historical Marker

Historic Marker at my office from funny

15. This Office Who Never Got Around To Taking The Tree Out Of The Box

No one at work has taken responsibility for decorating the Christmas tree, for the last week it has been propped up in its box waiting. Today, I stepped up to the plate. from funny

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