24 Funny Facebook Statuses That Deserve A Better Reaction Than ‘Haha’

A funny Facebook status update is rare these days. Mostly, Facebook is for your parents to share cute baby photos and memes that destroy the very concept of Truth. Sometimes, however, Facebook delivers a status update so hilarious, you wish there were more reaction buttons. One that said: “I’m peeing…from laughter.” 

Funny Facebook status updates so hilarious, you’ll wish you’d posted them yourself:

1. Happy Shanksgiving!

a shank for sale on the marketplace with text above saying get holiday ready, Funny Facebook status

2. Hold onto your butts…

Jurassic Park gun story that ends with a joke about shooting a kid in a T Rex outfit, Funny Facebook status

3. For Sale, Wedding Dress, Saddest Man.

Man in wedding dress, status says the dress is for sale, never used for a wedding, Funny Facebook status

4. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Iphone app idea where it sends a dick pic to your mom if you don't wake up on time, man screaming, Funny Facebook status

5. Makes you think.

Life is about holding on and letting go, response says so is bowling, Funny Facebook status

6. This singer is a bass.

update says guy farted on the bus and four people turned around and he felt like he was on The Voice, Funny Facebook status

7. Soup for the soul.

Funny Facebook status

8. “Then they asked me for money…!”

Funny Facebook status

9. Well, you tried.

Funny Facebook status

10. When the flag is at half-staff. 

drawing of male genitals flipped up or flipped down, text says fellas the great debate, Funny Facebook status

11. You kids and your nintendos!

Funny Facebook status

12. Becoming an accidental PI

Funny Facebook status

13. Pretty sure that’s for something else.

Funny Facebook status

14. Seems legit.

Funny Facebook status

15. The joke is in the comments.

Funny Facebook status

Dan Wilbur

Dan is a author, blogger and stand-up comedian.