Woman Complains About Wedding Dress On Social Media, Then Discovers She Put It On Inside-Out

Wedding dress shopping can be a fun but stressful experience. But imagine getting your wedding dress in the mail and discovering it looks absolutely unlike the dress you purchased? That’s what happened to Deux Aubrey, who immediately took to social media to share pictures of what the dress was supposed to look like and what the dress actually looked like.

Well, Aubrey made a crucial mistake when she tried on her dress: she put it on inside-out. Now, she’s using her very public mistake to laugh at herself and encourage others to own up to their mistakes. 

“Two weeks ago my wedding dress came in. I was really upset about the looks of it and sent an angry (okay, more like desperate) email to the company wanting to return it. I took pictures of me in the dress telling them it looked nothing like what I had ordered,” Deux explained in her Facebook post. “Well, today I received this response from the company ‘you put the dress on inside out, please put it on the right way.'” 


“They probably didn’t appreciate my upset, this post is the least I could do to thank them for ‘fixing’ the problem (me, the problem was me). But I hope they appreciated a good laugh. And you all too…during this tense time of the election results, I hope you take comfort in the fact I was not on your presidential ballot…nor will I ever be running for any office…I’ll help save your life but seriously — please don’t call me to dress you, apparently I have trouble doing that for myself,” Aubrey laughed. 

How did the wedding dress mix-up happen in the first place, people wanted to know. Aubrey explained it was a mix of exhaustion as well as her frustration at having to shop online for a wedding dress instead of going into a dress shop. Oh, and her own personal fashion blank spots: “I have no idea about fashion or shipping measures for formal dresses — I wear scrubs and tactical boots for a livin,” she said. 

Aubrey hopes that other people can learn from her public mistake: “Hoping other brides can read this and not panic or get upset when their dress arrives in the mail…Don’t act like it couldn’t be any one of you! Live. Laugh. Love. Apologize.” 

Aubrey is glad she shared this “very human moment” with the world because we “truly need more laughter, less hate, quicker apologies, and acknowledgment that customers are not always right.”

More wardrobe malfunctions:

Patricia Grisafi

Patricia Grisafi, PhD, is a freelance writer and educator. Her work has appeared in Salon, Vice, Bitch, Bustle, Broadly, The Establishment, and elsewhere. She is passionate about pit bull rescue, cursed objects, and designer sunglasses.